CoD2 Help!

hey , just bought the game and i need help on configs/maps etc, some guidlines for starters :oo
prone and camp more than you did in et
just camp in some dark corner
maak jezelf nuttig.

pleeg zelfmoord
:DDDD just damage the CD its a stupid game
you need to update your cod2 with the new patch. config of dmonic is nice , burgundy/dawnville,toujane are most played maps as i know
- latest patch is 1.3
- I will upload my config if you wish
- dont play shotgun
- play mp44 or thompson
- try and play on a server which doesn't have nades
- competition is played 5v5 S&D, although some people play CTF and TDM as well
i use the garand full acc and atk is that one good too and link to the patch ?

meh rifles aren't really the best start. But i guess they might suite your style, I've always found my tracking that ive learned from et just completely owns other people in a smg vs smg fight even when there jumping from corners and proning like morons.
i rly like this game but i always get confused with what team i play in :<
ask evan, he got teh hax
ask Heidenreich, he's a random noob! ;)
not noobish enough to buy cod2 hax.
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