pc problem

So, I was playing some football manager CL match vs manutd with polish team, and i was beating them 5-1 (idd, 5-1) and my pc rebooted itself... it wasnt first time, it happens from time2time.

Any ideas ?

I use XP, and its not temperature problem, everything is fine (cpu temp is ~50) like it always was..

btw. whats usual hdd temperature? mine is ~40?
all those football manager games are buged :p
it also happened when i wasnt playing it
when your pc reboots again, try tapping f8 and then tell ur pc that it has to freeze when you get the blue screen (don't know the exact words they use).

Then, when your pc reboots, the blue screen stays on screen. Tell me what error it gives (for example 0x00000E0 or smth similar)
when you boot you must right click on My Computer, Properties, advanced and then untick as shown http://elitepicturehost.com/up_imgs/img_9cee8f8842d0da41315b513c956585d2.jpg and maybe change debugging info to complete!
can be done like that too ^^
didn't know that one (worked in a pc shop for a year though) lol!
yeah theres always 2 ways i didnt know the other one :)
probs sumfin overheating, bad RAM or sumfing similiar.
Something in your PC is overheating. Try to to get the temperatures from your MB, CPU and GPU. Have you tried cleaning it from the inside? Your good friend Mr.Dust could be staying in your case.
finaly i got a friend :)

mr dust is always nice to me it will stay with meh 4 evah xD
in speedfan all look ok
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