Just found some nice quotes few minutes ago, they made my day & I want to share them, because some of them are totally "zomgLOL" & I already pissed my pants :XD, Copyright by GTv

Enjoy em :D

[14:25:32] [+Eicher] btw, what is a wanker :o
[14:26:46] [+[CB]Anaconda] someone who plays with his weewee


(18:44:52) (pesh) do you need clan ? :)
(18:45:01) (gtv`otter) oO
(18:45:10) (pesh) Oo
(18:45:11) (gtv`otter) no im not cless :o
(18:45:17) (pesh) yeah but for fun
(18:45:25) (gtv`otter) playing for fun already :o
(18:45:35) (pesh) yeah but cmone :D


(19:55:22) (@gtv`arni) note to all people without a brain
(19:55:26) (@gtv`arni) get one


<gtv`flyingdj> At gamesports.de 400 people are listening to some German just talking trash all the time.
<gtv`arni> do they link your shoutcast?
<gtv`arni> lowl !!!!


Mamalukes Saturday, 22nd April 2006 15:17
wow many slot :O

gtv.arni Saturday, 22nd April 2006 17:21
wow english many good


|17:10:41| <vaGgi{PMCG}> wow its thundering here :O
|17:11:13| <jetRo_> lightning has good aim
|17:11:18| <jetRo_> he's been in warning and stuff
|17:11:22| <jetRo_> be carefull


<bRIDgete> hi Flyingdj
<gtv`flyingdj> <FlyingDJ> Hi.
<gtv`flyingdj> <bRIDgete> i'm a girl. are you a guy?
<gtv`flyingdj> Sounded promising....but then:
<gtv`flyingdj> <FlyingDJ> Yes.
<gtv`flyingdj> <bRIDgete> i see. i would like to know more about you :-)
<gtv`flyingdj> <FlyingDJ> Why?
<gtv`flyingdj> <bRIDgete> come and meet me in this chatroom: http://eroticchat.sexis.hu
<iTG`stewie> news imo:-)
<foonr> don't tell me you didn't go!
<iTG`stewie> tell her you are bald everywhere
<foonr> :D


<TosspoT> (21:55:21) (e{RuFaLo) I looking for job
<TosspoT> (21:56:38) (TosspoT) we dont have any money
<TosspoT> (22:00:37) (e{RuFaLo) I will do it for free first
<TosspoT> (22:00:48) (e{RuFaLo) and get xp


<[CB]Angrykid> I'm the guy who tries to explain to people why tosspot has delayed xfire3 another week.
<[CB]Angrykid> i know why
<[CB]Angrykid> TosspoT: "Hi tala I have a GREAT idea."
<[CB]Angrykid> taLamasca: "brb"


<dxtr> how need pm send got a man?


(20:03:59) (idle^Frop) lolz
(20:04:06) (idle^Frop) i opened crossfire and it crashed my mirc
(20:04:07) (idle^Frop) gg
(20:04:11) (GIGA2|FlyingDJ) :-D
I will need to write this down!
[17:43:59] <@kolla> Arvaa mitä tänää kävi
[17:44:01] <@kolla> ALKO KESÄLOMA
[17:44:02] <@kolla> Sit tulin kotii
[17:44:05] <@kolla> Heitin kaljan pakkasee
[17:44:07] <@Mlq> JA OOT SELVÄNÄ

(btw, irclogs = ban)
(btw, fake-irclogs=bun)
Quote<[CB]Angrykid> I'm the guy who tries to explain to people why tosspot has delayed xfire3 another week.
<[CB]Angrykid> i know why
<[CB]Angrykid> TosspoT: "Hi tala I have a GREAT idea."
<[CB]Angrykid> taLamasca: "brb"

this one made me laugh :P
[13:37] Heidenreich: LoL, gn8 homieZ!
[n0:0b] mystic: OMFG its the real Heidenreich, pls dont go to bed. Teach me how to aim!
[13:37] Heidenreich: rofl eat shit and die noname.
and we didn't noticed estonian , rly.

Quote(@Sal02) Alex (07:35 PM) :
(@Sal02) OH NOES
(@Sal02) Alex (07:36 PM) :
(@Sal02) ICH HAB GERADE ERFAHREN, DASS US5 SICH VIELLEICHT AUFLÖST :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
(@Sal02) loku (07:36 PM) :
(@Sal02) war der clan highskilled?
(@Sal02) Alex (07:36 PM) :
(@Sal02) das ist ne boyband du depp
(@Sal02) loku (07:37 PM) :
(@Sal02) loku (07:37 PM) :
(@Sal02) lol
Quote aCoZz on 01/06/07, 01:55:45 PM | Reply

atleast your not faking the ND name anymore....

Em0ReJ! on 01/06/07, 02:06:40 PM | Reply

next : goliath :d

aCoZz on 01/06/07, 02:11:34 PM | Reply

already taken by some dutch retard :d
i rly lold about that one... LOLoOLoLlolLlOoL o,O
lol @ jetro
Quotebutchji on 29/05/07, 18:45:16 PM | Reply

xRio for clanbase admin. Already three match reports of zP/p5 missing :(

triflip on 30/05/07, 12:19:37 PM | Reply

why write a match report when those matches will be forfeited
He's really pushing your buttons, isn't he?
Heidenreich @ crossfire
"wie gesagt.. spam ist eine höhere form der conversation das ist nicht leicht zu begreifen aber wenn du es erst einmal verinnerlicht hast wirst du den leuten danken die dich deine ersten erfahrungen mit dem thema "spam" sammeln ließen!"
SloveniaAssassin: 3on3?
Bosnia Hercegoviname: i don't wanna play cuz my gamesense sucks (joke)
SloveniaAssassin: i've 0.43 and it pwnz

z0ne: it's all fun and games until sum1 gets poked in the eye with a dick

Sp3aker: who's going up?
sniffarn: you can
knyllgudarn: i'll go down and suck my own dick
Austria day_ : something like hitler would be nice again but without the gaschamber thing!
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