uv Media Manager v1 (open beta)

Well been pretty busy getting the soft alive! Its on a good way and now stable enough to hand it out to some Beta testers.

First of all the new Layout:


that will be the main screen. The search and the faq will not be fully functional, but the main settings and demo Info part should be pretty "bug free" (im sure there are still a lot, but thats where u come in)

What i want:
Real tester, not only oh ah cool soft ill sign up and use it.
Feedback, feedback, feedback.

What u get:
uv-max's movie config (qry him on that)

Supported Games:

et, cod, cod2, rtcw, (q4), (wsw), (q3)

(means) not tested

How to sign up: Easy, pm here on cf or even better send me an email @ [email protected]

roger and out.

thx for reading and helping
screenshots looks pretty nice

QuoteWhat u get:
uv-max's movie config (qry him on that)

gl @ irc uv-Max-
QuoteWhat u get:
uv-max's movie config (qry him on that)


<3 hannes.
will it be possible to use the q3mm mod together with the media manager?
i think for good moviemaking that mod is quite essential...

all in all what i ve seen so far, very good job. very useful tool, looking forward to the final.
what should i do with max moviecfg?

PS@hannes: denkst du wirklich dass dan vernünftige leute kommen um ernsthaft zu testen wenn sie eine moviecfg bekommen würden? :D ich denke wer sich in den angelegenheiten auskennt und das seriös testen kann, wird der jenige doch wohl auch schon eine moviecfg haben :P verstehst was ich mein?
/ironie :) glaubst echt wir geben ne cfg frei fuer sowas?
wenn du willst dass man deine posts noch ernst nimmt dann musst du deine ironie besser unterscheiden vom ernsten text...
GREAT! Me and a bud are going to start with a movie this sunday, <3
He's studying some programming stuff so maybe he finds some bugs
some one do it , then upload cfg for whole cf community, big thanks <3.
Wer braucht denn sowas?
you are very cute. Hope you will have a nice 13th birthday.
17 u mean?
nop i meant 13
he is 16, going to 17 :)
and u didnt understand my sentence
Wieso darf ich nicht meine Meinung sagen, du arroganter Wicht ?
invitations are out!

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