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Eye control

:( both eyes are fucked up now

+3.25 3.75

-1.00 and -1.75 for me :<
had ik dat maar

zonder bril kan ik niks meer lezen
Neem dan lenzen !
im blind :<

0 0 here
Hmm, he blamed my computer usage for this result

;' maybe the CRT caused it that i used a few weeks ago
i dont think so, it takes time
Strange that it got worse

2 years ago i had like 3.00 on both eyes

6 years ago i was around 4.60 both eyes
My eyes are fucked up because of using a CRT monitor for years now. Since I've got a laptop, I can read the teletext again \o/
I used a crt for 3 months i switched back now my eyes feel relaxed
Aschenbecher mal zwei plz!
-7 and -6,5 here :x
-6 = blindness wtf
ja ik zie zonder lenzen ook minder dan 10% ;) best bizarre gedachte, al kan ik zonder lenzen toch nog aardig wat zien ^^ Maarja ik heb mn lenzen gewoon altijd in, np!
ach ja :')(
-0.75 -1
we are almost at the same skill level
-0.75 -0.75
for me
draag je nu een bril of lenze
-1.75 -1.75 4 me
0 0

some1 i know has 13 13 or something like that
-2 leftside and -2.5 rightside, when i was 14 i wore for 2 years glaces but now im wearing lenses (much better solution)
i dont know it... :/
dunno, i always learn the letters by heart and then i say them even if i don't see a shit :(
-1,00 on both eyes
i played 2.5 years UT99 now 3 years ET and i played every day 5-7 hours and my eye are ok said teh doc
lol du opfer :XDD
rofl warum opfer
every day 5-7 hours

? :D
von 3-5 uhr und von 20/21- 1/2 uhr
0.0 0.0 w00t
wtf thats nearly blindness :D
Not quite, but it's annoying as hell
-1 -1.5
i blame ET
-0.25 -1
being behind the pc can fuck your eyes up so badly :(
depends on your eyes
im playing since 9 years and everything is fine
well Im not saying my eyes are fucked up but if you are alot behind your pc then your eyes will get fucked up !
i think i was alot behind my pc :XDDDD
ik heb krasjes laten zetten :d moet nu geen bril of lenzen dragen en ik zie terug uitstekend (y)
hoeveel kost dat? want wnr ik volgroeid ben zal ik ong - 1 - 1 hebben en dan is een bril dragen nutteloos maar het zou toch vervelend zijn dat je sommige dingen niet kunt lezen
a friend of mine has -7 :O
some ppl can spend years on shit noname CRT 85hz monitor and have perfect eyes, some can have -3 from reading books, its in your blood.

i have about -3,5 or 4 on both eyes for 4 years~ (had more before that), tho recently got a little worse
Dell 100 HZ screen :P

:o -4 and -4.5 or smth
so don't worry, it can still be worse ;-)
-1.5 / -1.0
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