
on monday I got my second exam: chinese
(the biggest of this year was following this course)
Ok, interesting.
wtf chinese where do you need chinese for. ;/
it's about the history at first... learning about what drives them and makes them how they are, followed by social contact and what to do when you need to go to china for business (I'm following informatics management) or when chinese managers come to belgium. Had to learn some vocabulary aswell
oh noes im so glad I just need to learn how to sell cars :<
tis nie chinees maar mandarijns
vak noemt wel chinees :)
china farmer?
"Babi pangang" verder komt ik niet. GL :x
very very VERY useful. Good choice you took that course. I will follow it aswell next year
bokuno chinchinwa totemo, totemo, TOTEMO okides

beat that :p
I had chinese for 4 years. Mostly vocabulary though.
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