tosspot we are twins #2

in relation to THIS journal, as promised, this morning i took a picture of the wonderful sign i brought home for no reason...

image: dscf0001eg4
image: dscf0002ss1
I need to add stuff to my collection aswell, maybe today.. maybe !
#1 image: 6afd54ace7

#2 image: 78583df1b1

am i as cool as sheep?
i only have 2 of those number plate thingies from mc donalds
#8 & #12 :D.dD:d:d

nice sharp pics btw, mutsch respekt
i broke the camera, i cant even view pictures on it anymore -.-
i really enjoyed reading ur journal
fat fingers :D
it was your evil yet oh so sexy eyes
Stealing road signs is so 3 years ago! I'll do you one better: A road not too far from me was resurfaced yesterday and, naturally, the painted road markings hadn't been applied yet, and there were only traffic cones marking the lanes. The road has five lanes in total, so there were shitloads of traffic cones. It took the best part of half-an-hour but we finally got the layout of the road more to our liking by shuffling around the traffic cones. At night it's a pretty quiet road, so nobody witnessed the deadly deed. During the day it's quite busy though, too bad I didn't see the chaos that must have ensued this morning!
oh thats nasty, someone would have moved them anyhow i guess
And there I was picturing a huge pile-up on the road. Thanks for ruining my vision, asshole.
PLEASE do not say this was on the M40
Damn, you ARE soo cool !!
I try, I really do. You have no idea.
You got some more stories about you bein cool and doin rly bad stuffz?
Well this one time, at band camp, I partook in the drinking of alcohol, and get this, I was underaged! That was rather hardcore.

Enough about me though, have you got any stories of you being a cynical troll on Crossfire? Do share!
Perhaps it's me but I don't think partook is an existing English word.

And opposed to you, my dear Sol, I don't want to look cool on the internet. So you'll not hear anything at all that would even remotely may make me look cool.

Have a nice day,
Reading comprehension clearly isn't your forté. I asked for stories of your journey as a troll on Crossfire, not stories from your undoubtedly cool 'real life'.

However, what you lack in comprehension skills, you abundantly make up for with a high level of perception. What most saw as an on-topic reply in a journal, you saw it for what it really was, an attempt at looking cool on Crossfire. Damn, you got me! An obvious scheme if ever there was one, afterall, who wouldn't want to look cool on Crossfire? It'd clearly be the pinnacle of my social existance - to be accepted as being cool on Crossfire. I strive towards it. Forgive me.

By the way, 'partook' is indeed a word - it's the past-tense of 'partake'. For example: You're full of shit, maybe you should partake in a colonic irrigation, you fucking douchebag.
You can make all the excuses you want and you may insult me as much as you want or like to, you still won't fool me son.
I wouldn't dream of it. After you figured me out (once again - well spotted, really), I came to realise that I'd have a hard time in pulling the wool over your eyes, you being so cunning and all. I know when to walk away, never again will I try to look cool on Crossfire.
Once again you try to act/be like someone you aren't. How sad this is. How sad you are ...
What exactly am I, and what am I not, according to you, oh enlightened Rhand? Do you even put any thought into your replies or do you do a brain fart and click 'Submit'? Your replies make no sense at all, they're not even relevant to what I'm saying. I'm beginning to think you're pulling my leg here, am I on the receiving end of a joke? You can't possibly be as inept as you appear.
Once again you start insulting me because you don't understand what's happening, that would make you sad oh not-so-enlightened Sol.
I don't think you even have any idea what you are talking about. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, what's happening?
Thanks for admitting you don't know what's happening and that insulting me was only a manoevre to hide your uncertainity and insecurity.

Have a good day, sir.
I tire of this, you really ought to learn how to read, I merely asked you what you were referring to with the "something you aren't" comment, that is not synonymous with me admiting that I "don't know what's happening".

You're an idiot. Stop trying to look smart, it doesn't suit you, honestly. If you're going to bullshit and pretend you have some semblance of what's going on, at least do it well, rather than posting inane, condascending replies where you do nothing but make yourself look like a buffoon. Perhaps you think that you're being crafty and intelligent here, but you're sadly mistaken. I'm quite certain that anyone else reading this will come to the same conclusion I did quite some time ago, that you're a twat.

I anticipate another condascending reply offering pity, and not being the type of person rude enough to deny you some material, here's another one for you to analyse: you're a cynical troll and you need to retract your head from your arse. Everything you have posted thus far has supported that notion. Oh dear, I insulted you, that must mean that I'm trying to hide all of my emotional baggage and insecurities. On the contrary, it could just mean that I think you're a prick. The jury is still out on that one.

'Have a good day', you one-man-case-for-abortion!
Damn, you are soo cool !!
So does your face!
I have 1 sign in my room with a light on it that flashes :D
and 2 minor signs in the garden

<3 signs
keep up the good workzzz
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