
Hi, Does it possible to fix that and if we can, how?


what is teh problem?
different colours of the street prolly
almost thought it would be that, but dont think it is fixable...

is this gonna be a moviecfg or what?
if so, try to avoid fokusing too long onto that point... prolly just fly over it if you have to...
ye but it will still pop into your eyes even if there is only a short freecam :|
thats why i said... avoid it
isnt that the shadow of the bridge? :o

Doesnt seem like that much of a problem lol.
Should be a problem for a movie making or..
paint skill0r! =)

good job!
i didnt give my best :o)
isnt it didnt give and dont gave?
me english lowskiller :>
mh kann auch sein! :O)

ach care einfach! ;p
dont gave doesn't exist :) didnt give is correct
i blame ng
he confused me :P
nice arbeit du sohn
u cant change it first part is the part where you can put landmines and 2nd part you cant put landmines there.
I think this problem occurs when using r_detailtextures 1 !
simply switch it off (cheatprotected normally) - I never found out why it was protected but it doesn't look better anyway!
It's at 0 already :(
shadow from the bridge. Destroy it!
think that is just a bad editing of sw_te version... and that would mean that it isn't possible to take off... which is too bad, but people are used to it, so it wont matter really... And if you MUST take it off, maybe photoshopping/motionblur/edit it somehow?
well, im not 100% sure, but try to find that jpg or tga in sw_goldrush.pk3 file and replace for the texture file of the rest

dunno, never tryed
its for an movie config?
got same problem on reactor

image: samevc1
nop it is not possible since the mapper used a diffrent texture. Maybe you can achieve smth by changing shader but i do not think so (also im not that experienced with that).

cfg wise you should try to play with your overbright settings to make it not that obvious.
i c a rivatunertweak :D
nope i have a ati card-so no rivatuner works for me-check my config in my profile
After decompile Sw_goldrush_te, noticed that the texture from bridge is: textures/desert_sd/road_dirty_gravel

now the problem is discover the other texture file or the shader :\
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