PC Setting

hey well, my english is kinda sux so that will be hard :)

anyway, im looking arround for some new graphic card and i looked at GeForce 8800GTS and im asking what do you guys thing about it?

and another question.. i had once a proggram that showing you all your PC performance.. and i lost it, any of u know where can i get it?

or simply, how can i check my power supply settings? (volt)

the pc performance and stuff thinig would be EVEREST Home Edition I guess.
everest home edition
1. its a good gpu
2. google for it
3. reboot and move to bios by pressing F2 or del
and 8800GTS is ok if u've enough money and i don't know which that progg is and u cud check for your powwwersupplydepoter setting in BIOS and np
you'd better change your name since the other one fucked your name
I dont care acctuly..
about volts go to bios or download some program called hardware monitor
about gfx : http://www.legitreviews.com/article/486/1/ ( check XFX GeForce 8600 GTS )
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