new style

i changed the style of my score sheets a bit. you guys like it?
feedback please cause i'm always trying to improve them.

*EDIT* I updated the center text since I kinda agreed that the maps look a bit strange, is this better again?

image: sbnewer

image: POUB3

image: exold

Couldn't find my old one with J52-TLR but the only thing I changed is the center box which was too dark in my opinion, and I didn't like the shape. So that's the only thing I changed.
I don't like it.
very nice ;D!
what's changed?
nice IMO
i dont like it:
+ detailed info at the center

- the colors
- general style
I dont know what has changed but great!
I notice the difference!
great, just dont need that center info
why not? Pretty handy imo
i just dont like that scores under map names:) but it looks really good anyway
Looks a bit pinched, true.

Think the score is enaugh. Maps and intermediate results can be found in a match preview/review.
i like it :)
its perfect imo!
too big borders. too small text in center and the crossfirething suzxxxx.
and atleast with bigger names there is no enough space (like tlr esports)

others are quite ownage

edit: too fat numbers
i like it but what if there is a 2nd decider needed!?
looks good imo, animate it then its uber
maybe put old one below it?
i like it
image: betterscores


edit: for those that dont get the joke:
ReiGn actually plays for the South Korean army :D
haha those original pics they edited in the forum are funny :D
SK.Hot is sexy
newer is great
''new'' looks better
Newer is the best.. good job :)

you should make all of them with the same texts/teams if you want us to see the defrent at all..

i like it :)
yeh i know old shouldve been with j52 - TLR too but i lost that file so :<
I like the old one.
dnt like middle bit, rest is nice
looks ok. but i was wondering, cant you you do something more usefull with your time? not that i don't think your doin a great job or something, but this shit costs loads of time i think.
haha thx for assuming im a nerdy :P no actually it doesn't cost loads of time... im not a pro at designing but what i can, i do pretty quick. these changes were like 5 minutes or so. and the whole banner at first was 15. the only long part is adding all the teams and stuff but that didnt cost me more then 1 hour either so im okay with it :)

at least it gives enough time left to go out with my friends and stuff. but im sick today so cant go :<
not assuming your a nerd at all. was just wondering.
great job anyways keep it goin. get better soon ;)
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