new style
2 Jun 2007, 18:01
i changed the style of my score sheets a bit. you guys like it?
feedback please cause i'm always trying to improve them.
*EDIT* I updated the center text since I kinda agreed that the maps look a bit strange, is this better again?
Couldn't find my old one with J52-TLR but the only thing I changed is the center box which was too dark in my opinion, and I didn't like the shape. So that's the only thing I changed.
feedback please cause i'm always trying to improve them.
*EDIT* I updated the center text since I kinda agreed that the maps look a bit strange, is this better again?
Couldn't find my old one with J52-TLR but the only thing I changed is the center box which was too dark in my opinion, and I didn't like the shape. So that's the only thing I changed.
+ detailed info at the center
- the colors
- general style
Think the score is enaugh. Maps and intermediate results can be found in a match preview/review.
and atleast with bigger names there is no enough space (like tlr esports)
others are quite ownage
edit: too fat numbers
edit: for those that dont get the joke:
you should make all of them with the same texts/teams if you want us to see the defrent at all..
i like it :)
at least it gives enough time left to go out with my friends and stuff. but im sick today so cant go :<
great job anyways keep it goin. get better soon ;)