Serbia - Finland 2- 0 !!! !!!!

i bet youre waiting for norway to get owned by australia tomorrow arent you?
Serbien kann meine Scheiße essen
serbia is quite good actually
6-0 vs argentina-good ?
lost twice to Serbia, and didn't qualify -good ?
Belgium sucks at the moment, I have absolutely no problems acknowledging that. But trying to discredit another team after one said your team ain't that good, just shows that I'm right.
u can change atm and replace it with +- 6 years
not accepting that there's a long period between the qualifications and the WC / not to mention in what for a group they were. And altough they clearly were the best team in the qualifiers holding of even spain. And still being able to insult them after the wc is over and they are doing great in their group (unlike you know who) I think I can say that ur comment was "erover" !
My comment was 100% correct. A team that looses 6-0 from another team that didn't pass the Quarter Finals... You do the maths.
k you do the maths, and tell me what happend with the team after the WC .

oh yeah montengro split off , oh yeah new team, oh yeah new coach.

Would that give you the suggestion this team is not the team u DO "know"
wtf are you talkin bout? I was just makin a lil joke about the team when they were at WC (where they sucked, don't denie it) and you start talkin about the team before and after the WC? I dont care about Serbia...
oh god r u really such a tard?
serbia r a great team (technically very good and remind me of croatia & czech republic in their good days) and it's not cause they had an off-day against a superior argentina team - who would have owned every other team that day - that they r bad

and yes i'am from belgium
I never said they were bad, nor did I ever implied that either. It's not my fault you people read things there aren't.
u my sir are a tard
Sherbia Holmes !!
"My comment was 100% correct. A team that looses 6-0 from another team that didn't pass the Quarter Finals... You do the maths."

well u didn't say it literally but in your attitude u can actually see it but ok
Yes? I didn't say they were bad, I said they were not "quite good".
k but wtf is it?
ahaha... finland are nothing without my 2 favourite players!
mika aaritalo and kasper hamalainen ftw, TPS STARS!
how the fuck u know them? :D neverheard
noobs it's soccer :/
triple kill by laguna - np
hahaha xDDD
i was watching it >:(

p.s. finland was so low their only chance was to put Sami Hyypiä to play Shefqi Kuqi's place as attacker
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