
hmm nvm, channel is back
hYpe <3 i m ur fanboi! take meh!!!
Oh noes, call the IRC-care-police plox?

<+_evantej> ec has never been nigger than 20 teams i think
Maybe you should keep quiet about a channel like that, its doomed to fail otherwise. And there already is a channel with a similar purpose.
similar purpose, but not wit the same effience
Too many channels with the same reason,1-2 are enough
i'll stick with top thank you

In first place, why create a new crossfire user, without knowing people that you are the kamz, and telling them about #skilled-et.

There's a channel called #et-top which does exactly the same as the channel you created.
As usual you stay a kid who keeps cloning channels for no reason.

You should stop with these actions, and continue like you've done before.. I started to ignore your actions in the past with other channels such as (and hacking the xfire page ?!).
But it seems you are still the same
#skilled-et looks a good channel.. #et-top is a channel for top players and a friends channel (not for random med guys). dont delete the channel.. is easy get a war in #skilled-et (in 3v3 channe lis only hackers )
you might not know that i've started the channel a few months earlier.
yes.. and i allready was in that channel.. but look.. skilled, your channel dont have skilled players.. atleast in kamz channel we can meet some good players and get some wars...
Please less more jealousy
be quiet, i get invited for everyday 3 times getting sick of that noob channel full of wnb's, i prefer #skilled-et and WHY THE FUCK give me a global an on X-on-X network?!
because he's a pathetic 18 year old kid that get upset by irc irl lol :Ddd
22:21 «« Q« [[email protected]] leaves #irz (Channel suspended.)
22:21 <@ [-Safe-]> Quakenet Service 'Q' quitted/parted. Deop all unknown in #irz.

Great that I cant get Q again just because one of all users happens to be hype. He doesn't have any flags and yet I loose Q. Fair.
Awesome! Thanks :(
okyz i'll never mind you again
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