PW Documentary

PWS: Prada-Willi Syndrome

this documentary was about pws and in particular 2 sufferers
their lives are mainly widely affected by the obesity side of the disease:
QuoteObesity: caused by excessive appetite and overeating (hyperphagia), and a decreased calorific requirement owing to low energy expenditure levels. (Obesity is not normally a feature of those whose food intake is strictly controlled.)

other effects of pw syndrome are
Quote# Hypotonia: weak muscle tone, and floppiness at birth.
# Hypogonadism: immature development of sexual organs and other sexual characteristics.
# Central nervous system and endocrine gland dysfunction: causing varying degrees of learning disability, short stature, hyperphagia, somnolence, and poor emotional and social development.

anyway, i found it interesting to watch...
As I am utterly bored (need to wait till I can download episodes 17-24 from season 6 from 24) I might watch this when I finish my conversation with sock.
So is this about why fat people are fat?
I'm always eating... i eat the whole day and not 3 full meals.
its a rly shocking movie at this time tbh :/
It's actually better for you to eat constantly, I mean as long as you're eating small amounts. It raises your metabolism and stops starvation.
im *so* going to hell
wrong page to discuss something like that :P
Never feel full? I can't remember the last time I felt satiated.

In my opinion, this is all bullshit. Sure, you might feel compelled to eat all the time. In fact, right now, I'm feeling quite compelled to go into the kitchen and make a nice hefty peanut butter sandwich, but I don't. It's a matter of will power in most cases, some people don't have enough, but that isn't a disease.

Some people do have slower metabolisms, but you know what, that isn't a fucking excuse. If you don't want to be fat, I'm not neccessarily of the opinion that being fat is a bad thing, go and do some fucking exercise. I don't care how unfull you feal, or how slow your metabolism is, there's nothing stopping you from going out and riding a bike, sans psycho bike chasers.

Also, if you never feel full, why are you eating high calorie foods like pork pies and biscuits? Salad is food too, you know! You can feel not full on salad and eat about 10 times as much.

The sad thing about this is that these kids are going to grow up believe that they've got an incurable disease, that there's nothing they can do. And because of our culture and beauty ideals, they'll also grow up feeling shit about their body. If we told these people that it was possible for them to change, they might stand a better chance. I won't go into a debate about our beauty ideals, but suffice to say that being fat isn't a bad thing unless you worry about how you look. You can be fat and healthy.

I'm not doubting that is a real disease by the way, I'm doubting the idea that being fat is something that some people can't help.

shoot 'em, problem solved :]
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