One idiot to ruin it all

From last nights match Denmark vs. Sweden.
did NL win btw? :o
don't know... don't care :)
then don't reply if you don't care...
die plz drunken bastard
the language is so evil :<<<
dänisch > alles
dänisch < schwedisch
Why did he ruin it °°__ he just punches the ref so what?
So the referee abandoned the match, and afterwards it was said that Denmark loses the game 3-0.
LOL, how pathetic
that is not pathetic, that are the rules.
lol what a referee, "yy he hit me let's stop the match"
I fully understand him, if the security can be comprimised by one person... what should keep others from doing it?

Except that it is Denmark, where stuff like this never happens. It is really a disgrace for Denmark :(
Indeed, finnish football and those 500 fans at match for the win !
It's nice how football is the most played game in Finland, and still the leagues matches has like < 1000 people watching.
he's a champions-league-final-referee, so don't blame him...
lol fan
That woman sounded REALLY pissed (but i'm sure it's just the language :P )
It is just the Tv2 news channel, the anchors are really shitty.

She doesn't sound that angry, she is just trying really really hard to sound correct... and that makes her sound angry :)
"dröö rää mää lööö fa sööö"
its just riddiculus in this case, seriously.
Well, danish definately sounds ugly.
Funny, coming from a Dutch person :)
Hihi, I've never said dutch sounds good. :p But I actually meant in comparisson with swedish/norwegian it just sounds horrible. :)
who is that number 3?
Michael Gravgaard.
He can be very happy that he lives in sweden i think.
but nice behaviour of players. they defended the referee eventhough one of them got red card moment before ;-)

so if the guy lives in sweden, why denmark got punished? only because he put red sweater?
who lives in sweden, the supporter or poulsen ? well... it actually doesn't matter since danmark has to promise security.
It's a Danish guy living in Gothenburg. Even if it would have been a Swedish person that would have done that, it would still be the Danish team that would get the punishment, because it is the Danish security that made the boo boo.
#3 saved him from a punch in the head... he should be thankful to Denmark
hit the fan before he hits me TBH
do a duck/roll and hook him in the jaw
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