fps public vs wars

In publics my fps is over the 76, so i can lock it on 76 but in wars my fps doesnt even reach the 43 -_- what is the explanation for this ?
lol, impossible

perhaps of ventrilo or ts :D
lol that should be my ping then isnt ? or my fps also lowers because of that kinda progs ?
forced cvars
how do i fix this ?
go on a warserver exec your config and look which cvars getting forced go to ur public of your choice exec your cfg so you will notice (maybe) that not that much cmds getting forced like on a random warserver. Reason: Some commands are cheatprotected on warcfgs but not always on pubs --> and some of this cmds boost your fps on pubs (maybe)
but it cant be fixed right ?only you can see wich cvars they are
you got celeron 1.7 thats pretty good
maybe cause there are more enemies at once in wars?
it is also in publics with 22 man or smthing.. so that are more man at the same time
can't be true then
Played on a 32 Slots etpub with a P3 545 mhz
coz of TS , i have the same problem so i rox on public and suxx @ war
Check in your etpro map which cvars can cause this.

You can find them in these files: cvar_backup1 , cvar_backup2 etc.

Change them in your cfg :).

And its a known fact that teamspeak / xfire can cause fps lag. ( Ventrilo uses less memory / cpu usage )
or seta b_backupcvars "0" after deleting them to avoid in futureeeeeeeee
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