3 Jun 2007, 16:43
Thats a true.
Some months ago i lost my guid after a format, re-formated and got my guid back.
Ok... 1.5 weeks ago, had to format my pc.. ok.. all normal.. didnt check if i have guid or not...but as ever, i got a virus (yes, i dont use antivirus) and formated my pc again.
Now after play a 3v3, noticed that i dont have guid again! [unkown] guid :\
Well, i will try to format my pc again.
Searched in yawn for my nick and look what i saw:
in last entry i have no guid as expected, but check the last visible guid.... its not my guid and i didnt spoof anyone. now click in that guid, and u will check that 100000 ppl have that guid.
Im not understanding this. Someone have good ideas?
soz for engrish
Some months ago i lost my guid after a format, re-formated and got my guid back.
Ok... 1.5 weeks ago, had to format my pc.. ok.. all normal.. didnt check if i have guid or not...but as ever, i got a virus (yes, i dont use antivirus) and formated my pc again.
Now after play a 3v3, noticed that i dont have guid again! [unkown] guid :\
Well, i will try to format my pc again.
Searched in yawn for my nick and look what i saw:
in last entry i have no guid as expected, but check the last visible guid.... its not my guid and i didnt spoof anyone. now click in that guid, and u will check that 100000 ppl have that guid.
Im not understanding this. Someone have good ideas?
soz for engrish
Kaspersky 6.0 + some license rigistry keys - if you ask me
regarding to this announcement the only language you can write here is Engrish
if i had one bullet and no time for thinking i would shoot "hardware problem"
Get life plx :o)