it begins...

Well, it is time for us whom are english and in our final year of GCSE that we begin our written exams.

So far I can safely tick English Literature and French speaking off the list which only leaves:2 maths papers (calculator and non-calculator), 2 english language papers (fiction and non-fiction), 2 french papers (reading and listening), 2 history papers (american west and medicine through time), 2 Science papers (all 3 chemistry/biology/physics combined), 1 Business Studies Paper, 1 Law paper, 1 Electronics paper.

Just can't wait till June 15th :|
Good luck to everybody in their GCSEs, see you on June 14th/15th when the internet returns!
trust me, english language is a breeze, far easier than lit. its all the 'how does the article make you feel a certain way' and 'convince someone to do something'. piece of piss!

interesting choice of history options you've taken ive gotta say
hehe when I did my GCSE's i just wrote the author was either talking about love or death, its pretty much guaranteed to be right.

I remember in year 8, R.E was compulsory so in my exam paper i wrote "I love god" on my paper and got an A :D
I cant remember how much courswork accounted for, but in my English Language AS level I was on an A after all the coursework. After the two exams it went down to a...

(wait for it)

D !

Thats how badly I did on the exams, It was lucky we had a bent teacher who'd give you really high grades for complete drivvel. Thats after getting an A at GCSE btw. GCSE's really are easy (I barely even revised) but you can't get complacent because the step up to A levels really is massive.

I have a Biology exam tommorrow hence the increased xfire refreshing:(
thats harsh...

perhaps the exam board moderated your teacher's crooked marks?
unfortunately not...I remember getting about 20/150 and 40/150 on the exams. It didnt help that I'd made notes on 95% of the stuff in the anthology, except the material that came up lol.
GCSE's really are easy (I barely even revised) but you can't get complacent because the step up to A levels really is massive.

So fucking true, I was lazy but breezing GCSE's quite easily but hit a brick wall in some subjects which I was quite good at in GCSE at A Level (Maths springs to mind). Someone needs to sort that out tbh.
I'v done my English Literature and Resistant Materials exam so far.
I did my written exam in english, do I count as a guy you are speaking to? :>
you guys are lucky, you can chose your courses, we have to know the same things for 13 courses + our examens arent divided, we have one each day for 2 weeks long

my 2 cents :<
Not really, we only get to choose 2 freely. We have to choose between food/woodwork/electronics and between foreign language (usually from French or German). Everything else is forced.
what is this food/woodwork/electronics you speak of? :(
food tech, design technology and electronics (or whatever its called these days). I'm not that old!
yes i know, i explained it wrong ;p you guys don't have the same ammount of courses as we have and on top of that you can chose some ( which is very usefull if you want to specify on smth for a job later )

Well, no one would honestly look at your GCSE's when your applying for a job unless you left school straight away.
So many idiots in school think they matter, slaves to the propganda. They wasted the past 2/3 months by staying in and revising.

The ironic thing is, I think I will still get similar grades. Hah.
not sayin'g it's hard at all, they're not, maybe for others it's diffrent :)
exams arent too bad, i regret not revising though

thats why i picked a course at college with no exams ! =]
whoa, which course was that?
BTEC National Diploma IT Practitioners =]

fancy name huh
God I hate those people who say GCSE's are easy, its all based on circumstances.
GCSE's are easy
if u do some work throuout the year, u dnt really need to revise :)
mine start in 2 weeks :p
This British system looks cool.

Going to do some last minute cramming tomorrow morning, that's all the revision I need to ace this shit!
everybody write exams, so i don't care for your exams sry.
just a uncareable moment of everybodys life. u have got to solve it as good as you can m8 ;)
re-play greets to you :)
trust me do the REVISION because i regret fuckin my GCSE's off and A-levels.
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