
Me and some of my friends went of to play paintball today. It was really great. We played in a former military zone which became a ghost town after the occupating sovetian forces left Czech Republic (felt a bit like Pripyat). So the atmosphere was really cool. I enjoyed it a lot so here's some photos of the area:

image: paintball1
image: paintball2
image: paintball3
image: paintball4
image: paintball5

The only bad thing is that if you get hit from close range into a bad place, it bloody hurts!

image: leg

I'm off to bed now, good night xfire.
Did you use pink paint or did you get hit from like 1m away? :O)
i was rushing a window and there was a guy in, so i got hit 3 times from 1m.
well i faked to go to the back window and then came back front and he was still waiting there. Perfoheiser or wallhack imo!
you dont paintball naked viakz!
Just because you don't it doesn't mean noone does! :<
i just dont paintball fullstop... im too easy to hit :(
Try painting your fur green and pretend to be a plant!
really nice
arent all czech cities like that
nice changing your comment to cover the lack of elementary school education...
How is it related to my education?
forgive him, he's member for 1 day...
(prag ftw :))
I love paintballing, got some bruises when I did it last.

You also need to be much fitter than I was at the time :(
Then don't go shoutcast, but go work on your condition :D
I'm better shape...or I was a couple months ago, now im getting worse again :`(
haha, how can you change physical condition every 2 months
there can be only two conditions:
a) youre fit
b) youre unfit

especially when we're talkin about paintball, youre just fit for paintball or you ain't and it takes at least a years of work to get from being unfit for paintball to being fit for paintball:]

a suggestion for tosspot only:
for example when shoutcasting, use a actual microphone instead of a headset, that keeps your arms fit
a suggestion for all nolifers out there:
as far as the legs are concerned, start walking to the fridge instead of driving in your gaming-chair
haha :D

Well, I'm quite a lean and it really dosent take long to get back into shape for me. When I was young I used to play an amazing amount of sport, and I still walk alot and jog occasionally. For me anyway, it only takes a month to 6 weeks to get back into a good condition to play football etc.
would have been so cool to play there, looks neat
btw where is that where you got shot? underside of the arm or above the knee or something?
above the knee, in the middle of whatever is that part of the leg called ;)
yeah its the thigh... hurts enough when a football slaps against it, nevermind a paintball :D
S.T.A.L.K.E.R theme
idd looks cool
Thank to you Mother Russia !
Gsus loads of this kinda place in eastern Europe, also in Poland. In Ukraine 1/2 towns are like that. Gloria communism !
Glora victis !
QuoteIn Ukraine 1/2 towns are like that

lolled :D
looks nice. Sometimes we play with airsoft guns, but our environment isn't that cool :D
wow that looks great, im jealous :<
going to czech in two weeks too to play some paintball .o)
got shot in the neck by a 14 yr old who was 3 yards away from me, neck swelled up like a balloon
paintball roxx
It's called PAIN-BALL
mhm like stalker
pB ftw =D
It really isn't that hard to find a place like that. Entire Eastern Europe looks like that.
I got hit on the head once :<
looks so pro :o
i guess thats the same area where friends of mine play softair in cze
bremen_b1 ?
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