Zboard just ownAge

If any1 using Zboard keyboard and wanna invite for the Zboard UBERMULTIGAMING just send a pm, and i invite u :)

btw i have Zboard Merc :)
wtf :S
not like this hè!

give the man some credit for trying!
hmm, its not my work playwithballs<girls np gay
toxic is mr. Zboard :P
haha :DD

i needed a keyboard, i won a tournament and got a zboard, seemed logical to use it!
it is it just looks really weird to see someone playing on it :P
ye, when i first saw someone using it, it was strange :D
i had a zboard but spilt beer on it

can i still join or do i not meet the needs ?
i did the same :/
Why it is allowed to have so a stupid clan and my "sqzz fanclub"-request was denied?
sqzz < hardware (lol)
i would join :(
We're trying to save your dignity, you'll thank us in the future.
I would join there :D
:( try your best :DD
im an admin @ iceland national hospital :* maybe i can hjélp thou?
i get fired and a virus implanted in me ;(, i was liek putting a new motherboard into a computer and it was in liek t3h heart surgery ;o
well next to it , was liek a glass window in between ;o i saw liek blood nd stuff, got scared ;<
bahh someone is phoneing, brb
wants me to install end notes for her, but she didnt have the dish ;e and i was to lazy to write some kind of permit to set it up and stuff, i just wanted to use my 1337 /runas power ;<
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