empty eptro guid:S?



idk anything about cheatbusting and it doenst say he cheats but why is etpro guid empty:S?
smells liek guidsp00f
u can set @yawn if you want to scan for the etpro or pbguid or both
if you only scan for the pbguid it happens that u got such an entry
Happens at some public servers too
what is it?
it happens when you get yawned while connecting.
Happens if you join some weird pubs
just a yawn.be bug
I have the same problem, I've got 2 missing etproguids in my yawn, but its just a yawn.be's problem as I've been told.
it happens it means nothing just borked info :P
ask him what hdd he has and i will tell u if he is or not
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