
K, im genuinely stuck, so i have come to the community of gamers to seek help, a daunting prospect yeh.

Ive basically just got bitcomet (torrent), main reason so i can get fifa manager 2007, and i found a link for fifa manager which i opened using the torrent so it would download it, problem is, its downloading at disgraceful speeds like 2 kb/ps, should be getting much more then that, must b a dodgy link..

Could any of u gimme a link which has fast download speeds for bitcomet for fifa manager 2007, file size should be about 3.44 GB, and i live in england.


Edit : ive just realised their was a torrent related question in the last journal, so im not randomly doing a follow the trend journal thing, i actually need help.
bitcomet suxx
utorrent ftw] Click

Btw why would you want that, when you can just play football manager instead? :)
Oh snap! I was gonna help, but you removed me as a buddy.. NUH UH!!
Tried portforwarding?

Edit: If u click on the torrent and then click "peers" a window with alot of ip adresses will appear. In that window there will be a column called "Initiation". In that column you should get get both local AND remote ip's. If u only got local u have problem with portforwarding.
hm, you should try another client, utorrent for example, cause bitcomet is banned on some trackers.

if you need further help regarding port forwarding check this
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