chapljej wtf?

Quote by chaplje zhaplja on 05/06/07, 12:20:32 PM | Reply

all i can say is that this never was my plan.. i never before supported cheating in clanwars. and not only that, i helped anyone trying to bust clanwar cheaters... until yesterday - not anymore

this is probably extremely lame from me, especially doing such and advertise via crabcounter.. but if cause for this wasnt a crossfire admin, this would never happen - especiaily not via this site

now you can ban this account.. i dont care. fuck you.

what happened?????? explain
fusen killed et once a again, that's what happened
for me, fusen is still the hero.
Since cheaters in his list are still playing some high competitions not rly :<
you cant blame him for that.
blame cb for not banning them
I do idd. But i blame him now, what he did wasnt usefull and will not make the community beter.
The community's to blame for that, not fusen
The community doesnt do what fusen do.
If exposing a whole bunch of cheaters is of no use to the community, then the community is pretty f*cked up. How is it fusen's fault for trying to make it better ?
I dont think this is the best way to procced.
kinda lame.
dragging the whole community into some personal problems with an admin, nice. very mature...
proves pretty much what a character he is.
mybe its getting so big because noone feeds the mob with infos :(
edit: from both sides
I don't know what has happened.
i bet noone knows, exept of those two.
I still do not see how not saying anything to "the mob" affects this.
somthing mysterious is a lot more interesting then something else
what problems? what did he do??????????? FURTHER INFORMATION PLS
for me , fusin is still a hero xfireadmin.
hey, you're swedish!
Hey, you're dutch!
please, letting everybody in ET suffer for just one stupid retarded admin
You don't know what happenend so how can you know that he did something retarded?
What happend
it must be retarded if you piss off chaplja and getting priv hax into ET, i bet he did smth again without thinking
hahaha XD I love reading these threads
what did you do? xD
oh fucking please, just think about something before you do it
mhm bb ET xD
what is crabcounter ?
imo fusen just p00nd the cheaters, all who say he's a retard go fuck urself, fusen is the cheatbuster god, the beginning of a new cheatbusting era!!!
Quote by zhapljai never before supported cheating in clanwars.
why do you reply that, how is that related to my post...
think about it
i already thought about it, else i wouldn't replie with what i replied with... you just explain me what you mean...
what did fusen do ?
fusen made an ass out of himself again.
same swas that is friends with chaplja + idles in his room? yeah thought so...
his room? its not his. its mine i started it !!

And im supportin noone in this matter. Im just having a laugh.

XBOX360 tfw!
fusen fucking idiot, you once did a mistake with nC and now again..
what did he do? :o
i dunno, but whatever it was, it was a fucking mistake to bring chaplja against the community
so why do you blame fusen instead of chaplja?
You have no clue what happened and it was chaplja and not fusen who's acting like a 12-year-old, offended, mentally retarded kiddy and who's involving the whole community in his personal problems.
like i said, i dunno what fusen did again, but just like the nC thing, it's not very clever to bring more ppl against the community. and even if chaplja may act like a kid, retard, he may has a reason.
Too newschool?

I mean claiming that:
Quote by dinevand even if chaplja may act like a kid, retard, he never did somethnig bad to the community and that he reacts like this may has a reason.

that makes me laugh :)
i'm not newschool that much, but i also don't know what chaplja has done. but afaik he didn't cheat in clanwar, just on public, he released a prog for moviemakers, pb-screen checker....
If you haven't played against him, lets say for instance in 2005, then don't make such a bold statement.
eventhough i allready played in 04, i don't remember playing against him...but yeah i think you are right
what is your point? i started cheating in early 2006. never cheated in any kind of clanwar
Right, you have convinced me.
i lol'd at this
haha, funny to see how you are looking at this from only your point of view

as mentioned before.. i never ever supported cheating in clanwars. i helped busting clanwar cheaters.. i know, i released/worked on some cheats too so that automatically makes me a bad person here. but cheating in wars with cheats i made was disabled. or if it wasn't disabled, i gave information to admins about people who cheat in clanwars and are using it.


after he kindly asked me for free hosting saying something about having problems with his current host and that he needs a space to upload stuff, i trusted him.. as i mostly do. and what do i get in return?
this: fusen.log

him exploiting my good will and grabbing my mysql passwords, admin account on forum/blog, etc
if i didn'd do what i did and stopped him before he did more, what would happen from the whole community you're talking about now? probably yet another superbust thread hailing fusen all the day and night and thanking him for exploiting me - should i be happy about it?

either way.. there was no sensitive data on my host and even if he wanted to.. he wouldnt be able to bust many people. probably only those registered on my forum. but that doesen't matter. it's a fact that crossfire admin tried to exploit me and fuck me up while i actually trusted him.

anyway.. removed hits.jpg advertisement because it indeed was gay to do something like this via crossfire, but i for sure am not going to help clanwar community anymore. got stabbed in back once, second time it's not going to happen. whether i'm going to support clanwar cheating is still not 100% decided.. mainly because i would also fuck up people i care about because of one lame person who did this
fusen.log 404 error :o
moved to another host.. you are probably still trying to access it on old one.

takes some time to update dns
Anyways , dont support clanwar hacks and stuff because of this accident

atm half of the wars i play contains atleast 1 or 2 cheaters this will kill the game for shure
he didnt say that, he just said he wount care about it anymore.

Dont blame him for anything, blame the guy that is responsable for the whole shit and stop asslicking him all the time
Who's ass did i lick ?

+ i didnt blame anyone
actually the post was directed to every crossfire reader :D

(some guys do not have reply skills, I got too much :D)
yes, blame all the stupid fuckface cheaters, np
you should have just posted that on your site in the first place :x
you actually feel proud at such stuff eh? you're just the same type as our kamz script kiddie, only the crossfire admin version
OMFG... Did you actually tried to get chaplja's passwords and to find some cheaters? Come on... Chaplja didn't deserve this... Sure he cheated and coded cheats, but he also helped the ET community to stop the cheating in clanwars.
he didn't deserve it?

he coded cheats...full stop. don't you understand this?
It's more of a thing with you using his good will against him. Not everyone takes the attitude of "he made cheats, burn him at the stake."
neither do I, but just because someone who creates cheats might happen to be an okay guy (which chaplja is) doesn't change they fact they create cheats.

I wouldn't delete any of his stuff or do anything malicious compared with netcoders but hey, that's life...
not very good from your side
fusen rly sounds like a nice person :< even if i hate cheater i completely understand ur point of view plus i dont rly care about public cheaters thus fusen might have made a mistake tbh
Yeah i understand your point, it's a good thing that someone finally said what happened. So i think I should apologise for some "insults".

Nevertheless I really hope you don't let the whole community suffer from the actions of a single person. The great majority of this community has never done any harm to you.
Agreed. Some people think it's ok to exploit someone for the good of others, but those people who are being 'helped' shouldn't be 'punished'.
Well, you should trust the right people.
You approve of such script kiddie behaviour? just a fucking kamz clone that fusen is.
I didn't support the action of fusen in any way, rather the opposite...
Forget clanwars and help us pub admins instead :D
Haha X-D

Nek se jebu sad. Stvarno je glup... Staces sad uradit mu? :p
mistake? u call it a mistake when somebody tries to do something more against cheating, than just spamming "die cheaters"?
time will tell if it was a mistake, i think it is :)
Yeah it's a mistake to attempt to catch more cheaters and, from what I understand, fail.
imo the 1st attempt was successful, some of them are banned already, aren't they?
maybe you mean mistake from moral point of view, but fighting against cheaters using fair means only? silly idea...
I don't think any cheaters were caught this time around, which means Fusen made a mistake during his cheatbusting.
oh please stop, u don't even know what did he do and ur whining around with some stupid statement.
i know what he did. and what exactly is your problem again?
Quotefusen fucking idiot, you once did a mistake with nC and now again..

Quotei dunno, but whatever it was, it was a fucking mistake to bring chaplja against the community

u do?
yes i know that i said this. but where is your problem? don't you think that hacking chaplja site is ducking gay / a mistake? pls..
it is illegal true but if it was against cheats i don't care
you didn't get the point. it wasn't against cheaters. if chaplja would have been evil, he would spread cheats now..but he didn't..but if he did, it would be fusen's bad. try to get it pls
oh, mr. almighty tell me and why did he hack into then?
i don't know. but image if he buested let's say 10 cheaters but therefor chaplja would spread hax all over the community, what would be better? pls..
i didn't say that would be better, but with chaplja's hax or without it will be the same
I was on chapljas site at 16.00 and 1 min later it was down...
Perhaps already hacked by fusen :)
Quote by Clanbse RulesAll programs or files, be they changed game files or new files, that change or edit the game or add to its functionality, or that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden.
well... I thought so but I somehow liked the idea. ofc everybody should have this advantage
no you can use it in any official np (of cause its a cheat -.- ^^ )
now you have to pay for the crabcounter !!!!!!!!
ofc no statement imo.
ppl talk about hax and few who got enough fanbois live their own ET-world.
I dont give a fuck what happend, just gimme back my crabcounter :<
haha nice view on things :DD
ah well the truth is I kinda feel bad for chap since he gets hacked by someone he gives some free webspace.
you crossfire \"people\" have managed to amaze me yet again

yes, ofc, it\'s not the retard the one who cheats and one who threatens the \"community\" that he will from now on support cheating in clanwars, but the one who is trying to get rid of cheaters is the retard...

and just because some stupid balkanian idiot says that he will support cw cheating, all the smallminded <70 IQ fuckfaces start to spray their shit around

and all you stupid ignorant morons who can\'t make their own COUNTERS download the source code, IT IS FREE SO YOU WON\'T HAVE TO CRY

EDIT: NEED MORE \\\\\\\\\\\\
Need more flame on crossfire? :P

Newayz, I don't care what happens to chap now, but seriously, if he trusts Fusen, I think Fusen shouldn't simply send him a .log...
Hahaha, you think Fusen sent chaplja a .log? ;o
i did, but chap already gave some info, but the fact remains that chap can't trust fusen, which is sad :<
he didn't send me a .log :D
that is only part of what i found in my host logs.. part where he gets passwords
well, point is that it's bad, right? so that makes me sad :< ;-)
dude, no point trying to talk to the majority of xfire user base on this level... :p

chaplja is still my hero :)

take him chap
chaplja 1 : 0 fusen

Not the nicest move by fusen.
however it is a nice move by chaplja?
How exactly is chaplja 1 fusen 0 when I have his passwords and nexus user log? please read through any priv files he had...

Any thing he tries back won't be affecting me, public cheats? wow, you mean the sort he was already releasing?
i start to care...

NOT!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU FUSEN! <3 :DD
german: returns stinken :<
i don't get it x)
gimme the haxx
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