Double Map Loading

Hello, i've noticed that many configs contains some commands that make the maps loading twice.. do u know what the command/s to stop that and if its helpful/Way?

thanks and soz for my english again
same thang bitach !
Look for some sort of backup .cfg in your et (sub)folder, it tells you what cvars where changed
what file to look for exectly?
Be creative, you will find it
go in etpro folder and look at latest cvar backups. It will say the cvar violations that are bein made causin the game to load twice. if u dont have any cvar backups i think u need to enable them ingame by goin in either ESC et pro, or settings.
for me it says
Quoteset cl_maxpackets 30 // CVAR_IN violation - [30] should be IN [60 100]
set r_ati_fsaa_samples 1 // CVAR_EQ violation - [1] should be EQ [0]
set r_ati_truform_tess 1 // CVAR_EQ violation - [1] should be EQ [0]
set r_detailtextures 1 // CVAR_EQ violation - [1] should be EQ [0]

but in my config they're all as it should be
hmm, try /exec "yourconfig" ingame then quit and see if it still does it. if not im not sure :S
What will happen if ill delete all my cvar_backup files? looks unnessecery F:
nothin. The reason your game loads twice is because you have a violation/s in your config and et resets these settings to what they should be. The cvar backup files shows you what settings u are violationg. So just change them in your config
set cl_pitchspeed 140 // CVAR_EQ violation - [140] should be EQ [0]

set snaps 40 // CVAR_EQ violation - [40] should be EQ [20]

i need to set them to 0?
ye, then exec your config ingame
Ok, now its working fine, Thanks! :)
o yea what atemi said, snaps 20 not 0 ;) and np :D
pitchspeed @ 0

snaps @ 20
vid_restart ?
copy folder -> /profiles from etpro to etmain
r_subdivisions is more than 20
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