i am looking for maltese et players, REAL maltese et players

msg me..
me me me oh soz i'm already in
ask perfo
(17:35:27) (foxxommok) hoi tox
(17:35:36) (foxxommok) i am maltese et plaer
(17:35:36) (j52|toxic) hahaha
(17:35:37) (j52|toxic) xD
(17:35:39) (j52|toxic) nice perfo
(17:35:40) (j52|toxic) :D
(17:35:41) (foxxommok) FUCK YOU LET ME PLAY
(17:35:42) (foxxommok) xD
(17:35:45) —› nick: (foxxommok) is now known as (j52|perfo)
(17:36:05) (j52|toxic) then u cant play for the nl
(17:36:06) (j52|toxic) :(
(17:36:39) (j52|perfo) :>
omg you're busted
SO FUCKING GAY! ._________.
nice searching mercs for today
Nice knowing the answer for the Question!
nice trying to get his attention with this flaming @ me
I already told you, you're the only person from malta.
like there are people from malta playing et that you dont know
im 1/100000000000000000000000000000 matese
enough! GOGOGO :D
hi lagger

toxic: omg shitserver
ill play
lol take me!
#callisto on qnet you'll find him there :) played for a while in that clan my self just to give pizu some tax lol
i never lost et_beach with b641 vs $$ ... if i remember well

yeah i remember cycon :)
ye i do i was with the nick Kill3r back in those days :D
|mNT here xD
Just start ET up 6 times, it's not like there's any difference. :[
infact, he just the very useful "reply" button
isn t Malta XyLoS born in malta and speakin maltese language @ his home?

cause i think you can even scan his passport to NxM as a clear proof and let him play for SPARTA MALTA tonight!!

update: XyLoS @ Malta Malta but Russia Russia at last moment got Germany butchji cause his grandfather was in KGB @ berlin ( soviet spy ) and Germany ramiN cause their 6th is the only one that can speak/understand russian on comms
XyLoS doesn't speak maltese, the only words he's ever saying are ECCO?!?!?! and VAFFANCULO
XyLoS is from malta, but he s a bit shy for sayin it.. so toXic now you must force him to admit it!

update: a new Malta maltese revelation is Malta adzz having his father first girlfriend from La Valletta near Gozo!!

so tonight lineups are:

Malta toXic
Malta XyLoS
Malta hentai
Malta realmaltese
Malta randomaltese
Malta anothermaltese

Russia HuMmEl
Russia murDa
Russia zerender
Russia butchji
Russia ramiN
Russia pulza
ye i used to go to school with xylos he was such a geek !
this is a proof, scan it and send to NxM!!
i m boring so i m creating this funny stories for spend some of my time.. don t take me serious!!
hello toxic
soon I will probably be maltese!
u better

need you and nils at the mt lineup

then i'll recruit the almight sol

Malta toxic
Malta kiitos
Malta nils
Malta sol
Malta X
Malta Y

new winners, nP
:D I will be avi for next season if so!
and moving to malta will be a cod2 career killer for nils, so yeh np.
Is sol moving to malta, or is he just always going there for some reason? to meet toxic? who knows?
malta is his 2nd home
damn, he is an occupant
awww how sweet, you live together :)
long-distance relationships never work im afraid... buuuuuut, i need a place to live on malta.....
no hex4 no win
can you scan your own passport and send to me for check if you really are from Sweden sweden? doiing it you clearly show that you are ready to be Malta maltese and you are invited to join for tonight!!
I can play

My dad is from Jamaica and my mom is from Malta and I'm linving in Netherlands
u must be adopted:)
en dan is je naam Wouter Veldman? xd
im bored actually
well, my grandparents are from malta, i can speak a little :o
my friend is from malta, can i play? :DDD
game over malta :( sad toxic u cant go on playing worldcup :( have fun @ eurocup gold
you forgot me tox :< i did 8man spree on russia i'm as good as you
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