Frequency of urination?

how often do you go for a piss each day?

edit: this is like uber importanjce
no idea, 8 times ?
4 or 5 times. Depends how long I stay awake and if I read much. For some reason I have to piss more when I read something.
You are enlightened! At least, your bladder is.
depends how much you drink
3 times i guess.. once in the morning afternoon and before i go to sleep. but depends on how many alcohol's in the blood, once it's running it keeps on running
Azatej: "why would i go to the toilet when i dont need to"
Meez: "there is a difference between need and should... notice how you have to hold it in?"
nevari: "more time on the PC if I only go when I need to"

fkn geeks
A lot, just today I've gone to the toilet atleast 12 times already.
3 times... In the morning, noon & evening
For some reason I have to piss more when i drink alot.
Once a day. Maybe twice if the toilet's lucky.
About 20 rofl, ask budha, he said 'omfg how many times you need a piss'. I think I might have diabetes or something, or maybe it's because I drink alot of coke, makes you piss out your calcium ;x
Twice max lets face it, only lowskillers piss.
indeed, I always wake up in the middle of the night because I have to piss, but then I just force myself to sleep, the next morning I can enjoy myself pissing for the next 2 minutes!
have you ever pissed your bed?
i did ! when i was drunk
yes, have you never in your life?
Nope. Must be missing something here.
ask your parents for more info :)
I piss so much it's unfucking true. btw its caffeine
dunno if I drink much water it could be like 6/7 times or something
So many of you claim that you pee so little, how the hell can you only pee twice a day ? Then you must drink nothing at all, only like a glass of juice for breakfast and nothing for dinner. Bladders dont varie that much in size
... I usually drink at breakfast +- 06:20, then drink 1 coffee @ 11:00 and then nothing for the rest of the day till I come home at around 17:00 when I drink like 2 liters of random stuff!

not really good for you but still.
2 litres of water a date is required
3-4 ;p
The amount of urine produced depends on numerous factors including state of hydration, activities, environmental factors, size, and health. In adult humans the average production is about 1 - 2 L per day. Producing too much or too little urine needs medical attention: Polyuria is a condition of excessive production of urine (> 2.5 L/day), in contrast to oliguria where < 400 mL are produced per day, or anuria with a production of < 100 mL per day.
while drinking beer?
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