wow, wtt

WTT a paladin lvl 62, @ frostwhisper. for a mage/warlock/rogue 58+. the higher the better.

or if u borrow it to me, nP!
if you level it to 70 and migrate I might be interested.
i have an warlock lvl 35! to.. but the pala is lvl 62. ye i can transfer to the real u want np. whats your char? :o
i've rogue 65 and druid 36!
pvp server? i also have a warrior 26! :P
i would of thought that you only play pve sexhoti!
I got a human female 70 pally with some epix for sale. >)
i want more pictures of your computer sexy
i have a scret key that u cant see! :<
i don't get it :(
go to your bed young man!

*edit: cant's sleep :( this is your fault!
hahaha too noob, u wanna my lvl 70 ne warrior & lvl 70 ne rogue ? :(
sexyhot stfu cmon!
do sm wrk plz
send me youre and i will send you mine, you just go ahead and do dat
a new colleague of mine plays wow, it was silent whole night long, because i hate wow, and he doesnt have other hobbies
hope it will be back soon
wow is fucking nerd game rly :|
the admins dont read wow nerdy post, they are all 2 c00l 4 w0w tbh ;< læk meh
wrk is d0n3

im going home bai bai ;*
i got a 95 shemale whos pussy is tapped
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