How to fix this..?

After re-installing ET, this problem came

As the topic says or asks, how to fix this?

I've tired to update pb by pbweb.exe and also tried /pb_security 0 none helped..
try rebooting your pc, always used to work when i had that problem.
brb trying
and if that doesn't work.. boot again.
and if that doesn't work.. boot again.
and if that doesn't work.. boot again.
lol cROD how many problems do you have with ET :XD
Update punkbuster.
just update pb
loekino can u give me the link from that final fantasy sound there was once posted with that z0r linkz? :[[
can't find it

!! found it love you <33
thats good! better 6 hours school than no sleep :D
steal the food from your classmates
but 30minutes is a long time, just steal something! :D

brb in 5min
Crod! Try to jump on Aura-river :DDD
back :<
steal > buy
if you go now and mown the grass you can chill tonight
+ hsG or sth?
+ congratz if you get the job :P
go home now and mown the grass than go back to school, and when you come home chill and play some 3o3 with some random guys and then play your offiacial <3
no et for u anymore : )
if you can, yes!
just say that a teacher is ill or sth
just try it :]
or say you are ill to your teachers, if they want to call your parents to pick u up say u already phoned them with your mobile phone, worked for me many times :DD
Doe mij maar een lekkere cheeseburger.
do the teachers know that? :D
ik lik een headset
just tell them you had to write something and when u are finished you were allowed to go home. and to the teachers you say u are ill and ur father picks u up! masterplan copyright by feres :D
ik ben zo kanker highskilled
mijn naam is fer3s wat is jou naam?
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