Biology Sucks!

2hr 15min biology exam in two hours :(

fs! Gonna have to walk there in an hour but I cba :< just wanna sit here and read more firefly scripts or play more q3


it would help if I knew anything about biology, fkn gay ass shit
There comes a stork...
im good at biology so if you need help msg me
I picked enough up these past couple of years, I get everything I was taught i just cant remember any of it, and i havnet done any revision...

doubt you would be able to help me, unless you figure out a way to surgically implant memory chips into the brain :(
i once baked a pig heart.
it would help if I knew anything about biology, fkn gay ass shit

Covering reproduction?
that shits easy

it's stupid shit like plants and applied microbiology, shit I don't need to know about...

I reckon I can blag this just like I blagged my english, it's not really a blaggable subject but I can blag anything!
i have to stay here until 16 ;<
i got a science exam in 3hrs (no idea on what)
but id rather listen to this FF tune than revise
Final Fantasy VIII, right?
no idea i got it off fer3s on another journal
Hmm, I'm pretty sure it comes really close to a FF 8 tune as well.
i dunno. i cant remember the sounds of the other episodes. FF7 was best.
bah ive got a 1hr 15 gcse today ;p
mines only 1hr 30min
higher or foundation? ;p
2hr 15 = higher

And I just realised I cant find my biology revision book anyway, guess i should give up hope and hope that they change me to foundation at the last second :D
foundation :)
1 more A level tomorrow than fished!
ive still got 10 more fucking gcse's to do! :/
Just write down loads pretending you know what you're on about. If you have no clue, it's most likely photosynthesis or the burning of glucose anyways.
burning of glucose - sweet, cell respiration owns :) interesting btw.!
agree...biology is anyway just learning everything by heart... sux
image: afspelen Appa Ft. Naffer - Schuif Aan De Kant
Cells are bad. My uncle lives in a cell. It's ten foot by twelve and he has to read the same boring, old magazine everyday. The end.
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