free firewall

i need one because zonealarm is a piece of shit and is now on my hate list
buy a router
i bought your mum
im serious

software firewalls are the n1 pointless

and usb modems suck

get a router
but for the mean time can u get me a free firewall
dont know any
download McAfee
indeed, software firewalls suck!

router is the best way to protect your pc and homenetwork
in NWN2 my firewall is pretty big h3h3
Windows Firewall.
Naar de supermarkt of wat uit de koelkast.
Sunbelt Personal Firewall


Heb je geen pauze ofzo ga je 10 min naar de supermarkt

<3 chocolade
comodo personal firewall

get it
outpost right ?

using the same, its good
Comodo Personal Firewall or Jetico are my choises to advanced user.
Firewalls are useless.
i use sygate but its shit aswell, im just too lazy to uninstall it
if thats you definition of a good firewall, youre kinda easily satisfied I guess :)
also on my hatelist
outpost firewall is nice
kerio 2.1.4 works fine for me
check your isp may give you a free one as part of deal! mine did but i didnt know it :P
bestest firewall ever: don't turn your pc on v1.0

absolutely unhackable, power saving and totally free to use!
Netlimiter has a firewall
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