
After my friend told me about " i-doser" yesterday I thought wtf is i-doser ?
Well he told me that you can be stoned and drunk to listing to a sound for 15 / 20 mins .
First I didnt believed it because how do you wanna get stoned or drunk without even using alcohol or smoking a joint . So i muted my headset and downloaded the i-doser marijuana .
I closed my eyes and I concentrated on the sound for like 20 mins ~ . And after the sound stopped I tried to stand up but wtf I was fucking dizzy and stuff and It felt like I smoked 2 fucking joints . So I went to bed after that and the next morning I called my mate and asked him to come over . I told him about the i-doser and he told me he had the same . So
he is here right now and we discovered that there are many more i-doser's like drugs heroin and stuff , believe it or believe it not but its rly troo .

you can download the marijuana sound here : http://rapidshare.com/files/35541822/01-i-doser.com_-_marijuana-ncr.mp3.html

If you want some info about it you can check it over here but its dutch only : http://www.saven.nl/forum/topic/10476

you can also download the other sounds on http://www.saven.nl/forum/topic/10476

cu later feraligator ~
fucking old

and it sucks

theres a new prog like i doser btw
gonna try :D
Shut down your msn , mute your headset and focus on the sound for like 20 mins and tell me the result
hope i aint high for an exam :/
wtf need to try it :D
No don't try ! You gonna lose your skill :( . Oh noes ! =(
même pas vrai |3=D
Already tried it before , not working.
It worked on me and my mate
Ja bij mij in de klas ook bij iemand , bij mij kreeg ik alleen wat dizzyness voor 3 mins ofzo xD
I have it, had it a while when I saw it on OiNK

never got round to trying the drug ones, but I tried the sleep related / lucid dreams one, and while I noticed an effect it was nowhere near as good as pzizz...


seriously, pzizz owns for sleeping (and napping, 20 minute powernap owns all)

what are the drug ones like anyway? actually have ANY effect?
I would say try it
you are a BEAST of a man! you DESERVE this powernap!
And this works?
it works for me, took a week to break it in but after that I felt really awake and shit

get it pirated obviously
I downloaded both sounds, and you need a serial for it :<

Couldnt find any so i uninstalled it
listen with your eyes open or closed?
just close your eyes and chill till the sound stops
I can't chill and think of nothing for 20mins :(
me neither it was really hard for me :p
and did it work?
a bit dizzyness for about 3 mins not stoned or something :x It's a bit placebo :p
old, it didn't work too well for me tbh
You will die of heart attack! :<
I tested it and it does nothing to me : [
you are already used to it with all your stuff

image: Keine%20Macht
my uncle was eating cafein to stay awake because he was working late in the night and he had a heart attack :p
Just download the marijuana sound and listen to it for 20 mins?
like a hero?
he has a nice tie
Red is evil color!
also tomatoes !
Its more of a placebo effect. It simply only works when you think it's gonna work. But if it works for you then well have fun, it didn't work for me though (tried it like couple months ago)
rofl i listened to it :) the bad thing was, i felt asleep.. :(
same, but tried cocaine :p
so cool... or not!
if you have done the real thing, this sux :D
its working but take too much time and a real joint is so fuckin better
100 % agree
not working
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