ettv question

Is there pb on ettv servers?

i mean, if your spec

edit: i wanna know because my ET is still fucked after 6 months (jeej) but chamire is whining i have to spec him @ some crappy ettv match, so i want to know if my computer also freezes if i join ettv servers
wanna hack on ettv?
you can do r_shownormals 1 on ettv servers if it is a reply
you can do it live as far as I know ;o)
zLol so yOu cAn CHeAt If YoU wATcH sOme LiFe GaMEsZ SouDNsS coOL_ tO mE
poor phAz :(
buy pb proofed hacks and never care again about pb on or off...
nope, there is no pb on ettv servers. otherwise you would get kicked from it ;)

/e: even without hax xD
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