Crossfire is on drugs.

image: 66wxg6f

My birthday isn't till this sunday, but Crossfire already says I'm 17 :o
because u r allrdy in the 17th year of ur life.
guess it calculates it per month
play more pokemon !
but u r at the age of 17 although u r 16.
Bedankt voor je morele steun, Loeki :-)
u r totally right mr.!!
LOLYPOLY :D:D:d::DDD:d:ddd:D
it happens when your bday is within ~1 week I guess, showing already +1
Real Name: Edwin de Boer
E-mail: e dot deboer at ma-web dot nl
Age: 17 ( 27 June 1989 )
ff kijken wat ie over twee weken zegt
hoi dmr, thx for reminding me to do a birthday journal for u ::D
So you forgot? :-(

You're making me a sad panda.
They took our jobs

Cu @ lan
I didnt forget :< I knew that it is around don't be a sad panda I never forget things like these :')
lol'd ^^ can it be that crossfire only knows more about you as
yourself? xD second idea: crossfire hax ? you hax? your mother have haxed ? =] (is haxed the simple past of hax ? xD)
this is truly bad for you
I ALREADY POSTED THIS LOLLLL (in een ander journal weleenswaar)

edit: lol ik ben lekker 2 dagen voor jou jarig!
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