Being drunk on a Wednesday evening...

LOL isent it poor to drink wth friends on wednseday?
Meh... some of us have English exams tomorrow! Wise not to be hungover.
o can drnk and not b ng ovr.
if you have free time you can drink the whole summer!
It's not we call it little saturday in sweden xD.
What if you drink without your friends, here at my comp?

EDIT: Sorry, no drunk-typos, I´ve had just beer.
its poor if you dont
I heard that wednesday night = gay night
Next month I'm going to be drunk on every day of the week, so no.
Thursday is free day so np
dunno. i just finished working (4.37am) and opened beer :)
its poor if you drink more than 10 beers
why'd they all have to be in the balconey all the time when all the girls were being hot downstairs :XXX fucking boring shitnight
i think it's poor that the first thing you do when you get drunk is go on crossfire to tell your e-pals about it :>>>>>>
Posted on Thursday 7th June 2007, 02:22 :]
being drunk on wednesday is normal but telling it on crossfire Oo!?!?!
indeed :)

but today is a day off so np being drunk on wednesday :)
wednesday night is the best night out!
Yesterday night was a nice time to drink because now we have 4 days off school. I had some beer time too and my stupid and totally nolifed clanmates whined on me because I didn't play with them. Kill them for me, please. I'm too kind to do this.
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