ET 5on5.

What do you think about playing in this format?

Should clanbase bring it back, or should we avoid it?

And what maps are good for 5on5?
go and die
bring it back!! :O:O
5on5 sux imo :l
ofc it's not active when it's not the "official" team size ladder...

and the activity of the 3v3 ladder (207) is over double the 6v6 ladders (94)... does that mean 3v3 is the future ?
5on5 sUcKs
ET 5on5 failed. Let's try 7on7. Would be interesting.... :D
afaik they played 7on7 in GameArena for a few seasons
jap, sem gledal posnetek nekega finala modus operandi proti nekom še 7on7..
pa še australci nimajo weapon restriction.
if're really wanna play 5o5 there's still 5o5 Europe ladder over at ClanBase
Never touch a running system
100 vs 100 would be a nice war
I loved playing 5on5, I'm still sad it didn't break through :(
Rly bad.
Why do u wanna play in 5o5 ? It's idiot ... :/
Oh please, don't start this shit again..
12on12 rifletennis!
I loved playing ET 5on5 because it takes away a very important factor in ET which is the 6th player, the last man standing, the engineer always planting the mines, the one that goes to backrape. Imo 5on5 improved teamplay and tactics and focused a bit more on aim as well!
Agree on that perfo. Why do Dutch ppl alwasy say smart things =[
It seems very interesting imo.
I've played some 5on5's and some maps are great for this format.
But I always got that feeling like something was missing there...
Probably those 2 players. :)
5on5 owns!!
image: brand
it should be nice to variate a lil
no comment.
5o5 sux
alter geh sterbeennnnn die geschichte ist durch
5 on willi please
5v5 was great. New maps and active advertising would bring it back in business. Sp_delivery2 was the best map for 5v5
I agree! :O)
die pls :)
go and die
5v5 was/is great... its perfect between 3o3[aim only] and 6o6[spam and silly tax] ... but there isn't too much good 5o5 maps in mappool... frostbite is good one, braundorf also
this discussion is soo old
fuck 5on5 ! hate it e o t !
The greatest event was the LTCi which was a 20v20 war i believe, it was invitational only. There were shoutcasters aswell, all in all a very fun event.
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