perfo's reason

oke because i'm interested in his reason i want to know what you think about his reason:

perforator on 07/06/07, 16:49:20 PM | Reply

Okay case is I've got a big family 2 brothers and 2 lil' brothers. One of my bigger brothers used to play ET with me in a clan (fckd.ThaBomB) the other two are just random public players. As you can see from the icehook.dll bust the IP clearly is mine, but as we all live together in the same house the IP is the same for every computer here.
Look at the offence, my IP that's true, but the guid connects to the public family PC here at home where my older brother and my younger brother used to both play ET on (I have had my own pc since end 2004/early 2005, when I started playing ET on a competitive level)

So the pb guid is from the other PC my brothers used to use. Note the punksbusted webpage tells us that the hack has been used on BiO server when he got kicked from the server. The pb guid links to the public PC here at home, and so does the etpro guid and the IP (but the IP links to my PC as well)
this is the etpro guid of the public family pc
and this is the laptop they're currently playing from. thabomb = my older brother, omega and nyr are younger brothers

to conclude, IP is the same but the PB guid and the ETPRO guid aren't the same meaning that the hack hasn't been used from my pc but from the other (public family) pc

OF course this doesn't 100% prove my story right but I mean the kick was executed somewhere in august iirc and under my brothers name under his guid and NOT under my guid.
my guid at the time of the icehook.dll kick


it's not like i am ferociously trying to insult everyone thinking it was me (well i know better) but please don't act like i've always used hax in online competitive play. for those who think that i recommend you watch the sHgopen lan demos and have fun with watching me suck on lan :/

a ban would indeed be justified even though it isn't fully my fault. ( iwas gonna quit ET after EC anyway) but if CB is gonna take action then please make sure to be righteous :P
2much2read X_X
it's rly worth:x
[D] a v i d ; = mAusie :D
translate pl0x!
well @ that moment i rly lol'd:D:
me: ?
maus: now i lost the number of that girl
maus: ;e
Quote by cb rulesAny cheat or trace of it found on your PC by Official AntiCheat Software, is your responsibility. "I was just testing" or "someone else used my PC" is never, ever an excuse.
Wasn't my PC! but nevertheless, ban might be justified as i said
but it's not his PC is it ?
I dont say u should ban him but as far as i know he played on that pc and he cant proof it wasnt him who cheated ( i might got it wrong cause i didnt read everything)....i think it would be fair to ban him still i wont do it...blablbabala
hi cheater

I got banned on an IP match! GAWD CLANBASE... DOUBLE STANDARDS
I readed .. and yeah it could be true indeed .. so I don't know if he have to be banned,, it's not his guid and name and shit...
Quotei was gonna quit ET after EC anyway

So u wont be back at all? Which means we can let out all our anger and ban u for life and afterlife!!
the perfoheisers joke wasnt a joke then :< some knew this longtime before
Nobody said he's been cheating in matches. The only proof there is is that somebody in his house cheated on some pubservers.
omg yes he was using WH on LAN 2. n1
too bad he'll get banned anyway
I belive perfo..

dont ban him..

and quit after EC? what are u talking about.. u have promised me to be my loverbunny at cpc3!!!
How is the team going?
progressing.. still working on it.

a few players i havent been in touch with yet that i belive could be good for the team.
I hope you will make it!

Good luck!
Who are in the team so far or with whom have you played with? Or aren't you allowed to tell? =o[
no info i can give out atm..soz.
ban him he sux pfz everybody can say that -.-
dont ask perfo anymore
you got nice boobies
möp i know .. you too <3
thanks <3
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
np np
plz ban him, he sucked so much @ all LAN's that it's the best proof that he's cheating @ home...
haha bullshit he was good @ cpc2, not agree
ok, swine played worse.
butchji sucked as well
if i'd have a br0 who'd do that, i'd kick the shit atta him, rly...

i believe you perfo, your just the perfomeister and i <3 you

fuck all those retards immediately calling you a cheater 'n shizz, they all just can't help, they don't have a brain

this is a brain: image: Brain
looks like a bike helmet
havent taken in anyone yet. But i do admit there is someone on my list thats before you mate. Ill come to you later if i have the chanse
I can admit that his brothers also play(ed) et. So, it could be true.
the reason is fucking care. i could also say, my brother cheated wow, where is the proof? is the proof a 300 site roman of my brother cheating on my pc or what?! if i had a brother that would cheat i would kick his fucking ass out off the house and gonna say. Fukcing cheater, your not my brothert anymore, die in hell plz!
i lol'd irl
his brother cheated on his own pc [not perfo's] hence the different pbguid AND etpro guid, and hence the same ip... so unlike other ppl that say,it was my brother blablabla, he has proof to backup what he says.
google "proof"
perfo admitted to using that PC before, so he can't prove that it wasn't him.
fair enough

but then again, why should perfo get banned and hatred shouldnt? If hatred were to get banned I'll have absolutely no objection to the decision made as CB would at least be consistent with their own rules.
I'm not entirely sure on all of the details, but I believe the difference is that keran and hatred have different computers, so there's no match with cheats and hatred's computer (GUID). perfo on the other hand, has used that other computer. Who knows though, I doubt ClanBase even do!
what assurance do u have that keran didnt even touch his pc? :P
it CAN BE true... can be is not IS.


you cant let all named player cheat but ban the unnamed ones. We are all equal. if 300 unnamed peaplo get busted all need to get banned. iff 300 named people get busted. alle 300 named ones should get also a ban. like keran and shy!

I think 300 the movie became a part of you
I doubt he is lying.
Eyon, I understand it that you don't believe it. I also nearly cant believe it.. But you just cannot prove it that it wasn't him!!
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