ET's Slow & Painful Death

In the past we have all seen the columns that try and hype up the progress of ET due to the numerous amount of announced LAN's and what not, however on the contrary many signs are now showing the detiorating state of the ET scene and community.

The once invincible Dignitas have now lost more games in a shorter period of time then they did at one point over a whole year, and now respectable players such as keran and perfo have been caught.

Well known players are leaving the scene slowly and steadily, (Darky, Potter, r3vers to name a few)

To topple this, the state of Clanbase's cheat policy is coming under mega criticism, as to whether they have double standards, often being more lenient towards the better known players in the community.

Seems they have dropped NC from Et, its a matter of until they drop the EC and then ET as a whole, lets face it, its a high maintenance game..

No matter what you say, Et is detiorating day by day, these new revelations are not helping at all.

ET is dying and i dont actually care, the game is terrible in my eyes now anyway!

The release of ET:QW will finish this game off once and for all..

Let cpc3 be a celebration of what this game has meant to the people that play it, enjoy it, cos imo it will be the last major ET related event!!

ET = Dead
sadly but true!
nah, it's ppl like you who're killing ET imo...
sad but true
no lies
et is going down day by day... but so slow that we don't really recognize it... :(

sad but true
And why should we believe you?

Just because dignitas lost some matches, and a few players left the ET scene doesn't mean ET is dead.
well... well...

soon cpc3 will be announcent. Maybe ET will get a tournament at quakecon. Et is allso at the enLarged lan in germany.

dignitas lost a few matches.. why?cause they arent the only team out there who is actually praccing and have skilled players.

r3vers, potter, darky left ET..

obs, i know someone who will return=) wait and see.

ET is more alive then ever!
i agree with you! :)
Yeh indeed, vanq has allready returned, so many others will follow!
good i missed him
But he can't preshoot you at back anymore! =o[
It's a sad day for NIIILSS.
:((((((((((((((((((((((((( its a sad day for the ET community, luckily it will get better when vanq returns :DD
Watch out for b3rt!
agree I know him too I think not sure though
Acculy, i c the other way around on the situation...... players come and go, but the only ones u notice is the players uve seen alot of...

Mostly the players that quit et never stays away from the game... many of them come back in a period of time, impact? etc

The game is getting bigger, the public servers are getting more and more populated (on all patches)

Beyong the famous et world lies another world.....
the game that is gonna finish ET is RTCW2 or a ET:QW total conversion RTCW mod not some stroggs...
since rtcw2 wont be like et/rtcw (just like qw) this will be most likely not the reason for ets death
i has a curry
I don't know how other mgc clans operate, but if I got it right some mgc's will drop Et for benefit of ET:QW. If the big ones do so Et is kinda dead
Your right
once quakewars is released it will go down pretty fast i think
Well known players are leaving the scene slowly and steadily, (Darky, Potter, r3vers to name a few)
ok ET must be dead
thought the same ^^
bla bla, et will never die until rtcw2 is released.

who cares if potter, darky, etc quit?

i could name about 20 old school players from the top of my head who have come back to et
name 10 of them already plz @ pm!!! :P
One of them is vanq right?!
"The once invincible Dignitas have now lost more games in a shorter period of time then they did at one point over a whole year, and now "respectable" players such as keran and perfo have been caught."

I wouldn't really call someone who willingly associates with hackers, and now has been proven (at last) to have hacked by the looks of it. Keran on the other hand is just as bad. If this is a mark of a respectable player, then I would like to see the opposite end of the spectrum. Dignitas have lost, bears no relation on ET at all, stop exaggerating.

"ET is dying and i dont actually care, the game is terrible in my eyes now anyway!"

Despite you quiting like 20 times (exaggeration!!), you still post about ET dying on a ET site. Sort your priorities, people like you undermine and piss off the people who do contribute to this game, knowing full well they get abuse and nothing out of it at the end of the day.
You don't only have to be respectable for your performance in an online game. You yourself are 393092490x as worse as me OR keran.

I was at least a little bit respected by some people because I helped a lot of people out with config questions, settings, helping their way up in ET etc. You on the other hand wrote lame articles and bought a hack for CoD2 and are obviously biased to some clans (hi TLR) in your articles as well
What you fail to realize though, is that your setting an example for the rest of the ET scene as a skilled player, and when people see you basically enjoying the fact people think you cheat and continue to play with certain clans/players regardless, its sets a bad example. Simple as. Your hurting ET in a way you couldn't imagine, so don't even try and say bullshit like I'm worse it just doesn't stick.

"I was at least a little bit respected by some people because I helped a lot of people out with config questions, settings, helping their way up in ET etc. You on the other hand wrote lame articles and bought a hack for CoD2 and are obviously biased to some clans (hi TLR) in your articles as well"

I've helped a lot of people out as well, but I don't need the attention because of it. I can't remember if it was after the TLR game or not, but I basically apologized to Toxic because I was proven wrong about how well you guys would do this season, so don't even start bullshit like I'm biased towards TLR, I'm willing to be proved wrong and I don't mind it.

Oh in case you hadn't quite released, you saying I hacked is rich...
"Well known players are leaving the scene slowly and steadily, (Darky, Potter, r3vers to name a few)"

LoL ? and what about mystic,raveneye,syK and many more coming back and playing actively the game... this is not a valuable argument imo.

And for et:qw, only players who have very good pcs will convert "maybe" to that game.
Quotenah, it's ppl like you who're killing ET imo...
I always wonder, why not just playing ET and having fun instead of whining and calling it a "dead game"? i think a "stfu" would match this journal quite well as a comment, because you are just talking bullshit that no one cares about (at least I hope so). Maybe it's true that few people stop playing ET, and now? Do you actually want the game to die or what is your problem? Don't you have anything else in your life that you get so emo about a few cheaters and have to whine now? :/
perfo is not busted
It's tradition to assume the game is dead, they said RTCW was dead about 50 times, but RTCW only died actually when ET came out, it will work the same way, ET will not be dead because of crappy ET:QW, but it will die when RTCW2 is out -_-
You going to hack in that as well mate ? You have a reputation to uphold remember! =D
lol hearing that from u :D
Thats why it's funny!
since when is perfo busted?
funny since potter and darky came back from inacitivty to play again around the time of quakecon.

people quit, people come back, people quit, new people come etc etc just live with it for fucks sake...
Dignitas beeing beaten by other clans only proves that the level of skill has rizen.
i TOTALLY agree with you... more and more teams rised up again with some oldschool players and maybe also some recently stars...
k, maybe et is dieing because:

3 years ago when i started playing i was a noob like all the others. But i get better and so on and played on servers with crappy noobs which i owned easily.
Now 2 years later i joined one of these mass servers with the crappy noobs. K i still could own them easily but it wasnt that easy as it was 2-3 years ago. What i want to say is, that there arent that many newcomers who begin to play et but many players stop playing et (what is kinda normal, compare it with the society: people die and "new" people get born. But what if there arent "new" people getting born but still people die. -> The society will die), so et is going to die, like cs, cod and all the other games. So the question isnt if et is going to die. The response would be yes of course. The question is: when its dead?

Sorry for my crappy english
NC is back in 08, they wanted us to wait longer so it was more appreciated =)
Well known players are leaving the scene slowly and steadily, (Darky, Potter, r3vers to name a few)

dignitas anounced r3vers will return in about 2 weeks BECAUSE OF SCHOOLEXAMS NOOB !! or am i wrong
the kiddies will leave first (i hope)
A while back the same statement was made because respectable players and clans quit and Idle dominated easily. But after that there was a major boost again with teams like TLR, zP and Impact. CPC2 was a real highlight and ET was more alive than ever.
ET might seem to get boring a bit atm, but it will get back after the summer, also for CPC3.
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