Bibuy ET
7 Jun 2007, 23:30
Fuck ET with all it's retard cheaters, I'm off to another game...
Rly, ET is fucking fucked up with those kiddo retards everywhere.
If it were up to me, they would all burn in hell when they die...
Today, I did 5 wars, three of them with previously busted players, GOOD GAME!!!
So, hereby, bibuy ET, go fuck urself and ur retard community!
Rly, ET is fucking fucked up with those kiddo retards everywhere.
If it were up to me, they would all burn in hell when they die...
Today, I did 5 wars, three of them with previously busted players, GOOD GAME!!!
So, hereby, bibuy ET, go fuck urself and ur retard community!
how long u will be away?
and i agree with u, its annoying sometimes, but not at all
ich dachte, das bleibt unter uns?!
omfg that sux, I mean, sliN, what kinda name is that...
very interesting nick
zomg im fast
i ownt u 2 days ago in war
<3 ya, bibuy
hi2u :)
anyway me off for today. bibuy
Think about it, people like you are destroing ET more the cheaters.. you know why? you can find a nice cheater but u cant find nice idiots like you.. your not funny or something..
ok honey? calm down.
i do mix games everynight. so far havent found any cheater.
actualy i have never happend to play against cheater :S
tho in pub servers i see them pretty often.
calm down :)
welke andere game
The fact that you're annoyed about it right now is pretty sad. See, cheaters have always been "there". But suddenly since it's getting more attention people like yourself think that a new generation rose up full of cheaters. Pretty sad indeed.
It's like in the Netherlands where people actually think that crimes are really arrond every corner. But the real fact is that it's only getting more attention now from the mass-media. Thus causes people to think that there are criminals everywhere, and that crimescenes are right in their garden.
but i still play lol
i guess its all about kids and jobless...
be hard liek teh cheater kids are... be strong and pray
tru but give up 2 4 real.. more lan
You havent got flamed 24 hours already by perfo-fanbois, and zodiac-haters, have you?
The thing that suck most in this game is that its possible to fake someone, and then get them banned, or "busted".
The other thing is that people always want all cheaters banned, but when a highskilled fanboyed person get banned, then LETS WHINE!
Your case was proven that it wasn't you, as in many other cases also, there have never been a case where someone have been banned because someone faked that player(then there would be much whine, so no).
Your last line doesn't make sense either.
A faulty bust is ofc just an ego boost.
Welcome back =D
hör ma auf, die kiddies wuschig zu machen plz ;D
ps we were 1 of the non-cheating clan then..