cheathunting in et is like fishing :D

Imagine this: you go fishing to a lake, you know there is a lot of fish inside including big ones, but for some reason you are ony able to catch few small fish, and most of the time you only pull old shoes, pieces of wood and other garbage out of the water.
But you really want people to call you a great fisherman, so what do you do? You simply rewrite your dictionary and change the definition of "fish" so that it includes old shoes and garbage, and suddenly, you can tell everybody that you catch a large quantity of "fish" everytime you go to the lake!
This is exactly what is happening with cheaters in et. You can make busts like the ones we are seeing recently, and call them "cheaters", but this doesn't change the fact thet you are unable to catch real fish. And you don't really gain anything by banning people like keran/perfo, just like you don't gain anything by eating old shoes, while the big fish remain free to swim in the lake regardless of what you have written in your dictionary.

too much to read, reserved for later, gotta cook >:)
*Edit I totally agree with you... its a sad thing, but not changeable imo :/
i disagree
to lazy to read
lazy bitch :<
read it for me plz XD
2 bored to read :|
bored bitch :<
read it for me plz XD
2 buzy to read =X
busy bitch :o
read it for me plz XD
2 tired to read :X
tired bitch :<
read it for me plz XD
2 blind to read :\
blind bitch :E
read it for me plz XD
2 macho to read :(
macho bitch :F
read it for me plz XD
2 gay to read :e
gay bitch :l
read it for me plz XD
2 gangsta to read :l
gangsta bitch :Z
ye profile hit kk thx!
agree. sad but true
no it's not. He's comparing big fish with garbage and shoes. He should've compared big fish with small fish, then it would be a fair way to compare it. Then the post is quite useless.
hmmmmm right....
Not if you do not see perfo/'keran as cheaters (and therefore not as fish).
The rules are quite clear imo. If you take gaming in competition serious, you should know better than to try a hack, hack on a pub or anything of that sort.

The only way (cuz there is simply no alternative) to do SOMEthing about cheaters is with a zero-tolerance policy. Unfortunately for keran, shy and perfo, that means they will be or are going to be banned.
Well I disagree :P someone that tries a hack on a public or forgets to remove a file isn't a cheater! I understand it has to be zero tolerance but it still isn't right :)
you disagree with the rules, but that won't change the fact you have to live by them.

Same as the law. You may not agree it's not allowed to piss against a tree, but you will still get fined if you do.
I disagree because the rule seems to be flawed.. It isn't fair that people like perfo keran w/e get banned for testing something (in perfo's case he didnt even do it). Does it seem right to you?
wether or not that is right or not is irrelevant since I'm not part of the group of guys at CB that make the policy.

Same way I think it's not right that I'm not allowed to take a piss against a tree, whereas a dog for instance is. But just cuz I dont think it's right, doesn't mean I will not get into trouble if I do it and get caught doing it.
;) well that's the difference between you and me, I'm looking at this out of my own pov and you're looking at it from what's in the rules. Therefore you would look at it them as small fish and I look at them as garbage =).
no, you are wrong again. I said it's irrelevant what my POV is cuz I am not the guy that made the rules. I'm merely another one of the guys who also have to live by the rules if I dont want to be banned from competitive gaming.

Nowhere does it state that I think the rules are ok or if they suck or not. It's just irrelevant what you and I think since we don't make the rules but only need to live by them if we want to play in competitions.
begin er niet aan hoor daar is gewoon niet mee te praten... sommige ego's zijn gewoon net iets te groot
Hehe, so true!

We need some real cheatbusters who are able to find players who actualy cheat in CB matches, and not little brothers of EC players or players who test a public hack once.
kinda missed the point.
I would use a grenade to fish (or is this aimbot like then)?
We should open a cheater league to see which bot ownz more......
Agree, nice comparison and so totally true :)
what???? this is total bullshit.
ban this fucking hackers and GG
agree, w8ing for cheatbusters whine
wtf is all that mess about? why are people still bitching about banning, not banning and all that shit????

bomb-fishing for the win
Strange way to compare cheating and fishing.

you should've not made it into shoes, but into smaller fish. then it would be a fair comparison but then it would also make your post quite useless.
Wrong. If keran and perfo were real cheaters, they would be BIG fish. A proven cheater in a top 3 clan is a HUGE fish.
Too bad, they are not cheaters at all according to any decent definition of "cheater". They are big, but they are not fish, they are big pieces of garbage (:DDDDDD no offense), have fun eating them.
nope.. wrong again.

- small fish are guys who used it at one point in time
- big fish are guys using it in offi's
allu=big fish???
keran=small fish???
fill me in on allu
Quote "Hacked" in a NC war vs belgium in front of 400 ETTV viewers :)
ah.. yah, big fish imo. OK.. I'll sum it up for you.

- Big fish = cheating in offi's between topclans (EC, Premier Etc.)
- Average fish = cheating in offi's of say div 2 or 3 and below.
- Small fish = people that used it at one point in time, offi or not.
Finding out what size a fish is could be hard.
yup, but since it's fish it goes into the frying pan. Same way a zero-tolerance policy works. Fish gets fried, cheaters get banned.
And once it's fried it will never come back, sounds good.
ok i agreee. but u will never get the big fishes since they use private hax who cant be detected :/
most likely, yes.
I guess that's a matter of opinion.
not really, just a matter of a fair comparison.
Try to think about this point of view:

- big fish are ppl who are constantly cheating / cheating in offis
- small fish = public cheaters
- garbage are the ppl who tried a cheat once to see what a cheat can do

and it doesn't matter how famous they are
And now have fun to find it out...
But the problem is:
- you've got a visual impairment
- from touching the object you can't judge whether it is a fish or just garbage
What's fish?

edit: I forgot to add: fish lie!
funny guy

i agree with bans for anyone who used cheats anywhere online

if it was CB matches only, then cheaters would whine: oh i got kicked by pb during the warmup! that wasnt the match yet! i was just going to close the cheats once the countdown started! honestly!

a bunch of bs
the american way would be: search for (or better: create) an argument why u nuked the whole lake including all fish and garbage...!!!
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
I like fishing
hi2u hansi!! :)
how r u?
Im fine, still winning alot with online poker last weeks.

How are you?
i should start poker too for next lan :)
and me, im fine, sun is shining. ;)
You should start indeed :) This week only again over 500$ won.
In 1 hour im of to a small lan-party/clanmeeting this weekend.
Cya @ CPC3 I suppose :)
500 $ wow!!

ya idd we will see us cpc3. ;)
oO i remember the big big dog.
Mmh interesting to read. But ronner pointed out the lack of your comparation. And what is a cheater for u then? And especially what's your suggestion to handle this cheater thing? And you want some real "cheatbusters" who can bust the big whales? You maybe noticed that these whales are nearly unbustable, but you hack the platform of the cheats organisations.
cheater = someone who breaks the rules to gain advantage in a competition.

and whales are mammals ffs!!!!!!
The defenition of competition is unclear.
Even if you include pub servers in the definition of "competition", testing a cheat against an informed and agreeing opponent is definitely excluded.
As is "having used the same pc that was used by your younger cheater brother"
Quote Olly on 06/06/07, 11:05:25 PM | Reply

It shouldn't be too hard to find a server without punkbuster if you absolutely have to try cheats. There's a perfectly good punkbuster filter in the ingame server list.
you'll still get banned by md5tool if you forget some hax file in your et folder (which is what happened to keran I think)
But if you mean "it's ok to cheat as long as you avoid being kicked by pb / leaving proofs", I disagree ;)
Me too.

BUT IF YOU HAVE TO TEST CHEATS then do it at least on pb disabled servers. I think you can expect so much intelligence. Well, and you don't download cheats and put them to your et folder, if you don't want to cheat. And in case of you just named your et config to a cheat config name, then you can send it to pbbans and they will compare the md5 finger print.
If one has once fallen for the temptations of cheating, can you realy trust that person that he wont fall for it again?
Also public is a competition. The aim of a game = win => competition. And according to nearly all leagues rules: cheaters => who get a forbidden advantage also on public. So public cheats should be allowed?
I agree (see just above)

(but maybe if you use cheats on a pub just for testing rather than for winning, it would no longer be "to gain an unfair advantage over opponents")
If you take care of any theoretical chance, then you couldn't ban anyone. And everybody know the consequences if you get busted for cheating...
Ah and btw. It's not about that whales are fishs. But you still can fish them. ;)
get a life.
I'll get yours, thanks
Same for all, start unbanning or start banning that is the question.
Big fishes are only the coder themselfs,have fun busting them
stupid boy -.- if CB wouldn't ban perfo, keran and shy it would look for the rest of the community like the admins don't care at all wether guys are cheating in their leagues and cups.

these 3 guys are no garbage... they may cheated only 1 time on public, but thats not interesting. they should have try the hax on an unprotected server or what ever...they have to know it better!! ... they are maybe small fishes... but they ARE fish!!

if u ask me, the biggest fault is, that ET is for free... if not, i don't think we would have such a huge cheating problem ---___---
" if CB wouldn't ban perfo, keran and shy it would look for the rest of the community like the admins don't care at all wether guys are cheating in their leagues and cup"

That was supposed to be my point. They are doing it just to show the community that they are banning someone for "cheating"
and they are right... fishes are fishes, and they have to be treaten all the same... on don't get ur point guys... those 3 are proven cheaters... i don't care wether they did it once or in every match
thats their problem now if it was worth a ban for 6 months...
so you think banning guys who have tried cheat once is useful and makes the cheating problem smaller ?
o.m.g did u recognize irl that if u punish someone for his crime that there is no crime at all anymore o0?

u will have ever cheaters... is it a point to stop punishing them?
banning them is just totally useless
---___--- i let it be... ur a hopless case
Doesn't make much sense. Nice try though. According to the CB rules concerning cheating, a lot of players should get banned. The community wanted to see cheaters banned. It has been flaming CB for over half a year because their lack of action towards cheating. And when they finally get organized to get the banning going (too late and too slow, but ok) it's still not good, and those who put their time into trying to clean the competition scene get blamed.

I would never played this game if it werent for the fact that it was the first FPS I've tried.

This game fucking sucks.
(btw, kicked from #vaillant because I'm the biggest retard ET has born. pmme if you want a medskilled hated player in your clan)
some truth in it, from a view from outside the ET community this looks like banning just to for the sake of it
lol nice story and for christ's sake, it's true
how about you shave that dead animal of your chin and get rid of useless "hair" :P
nice :D funny + true xd

oh and fishing is obviously for those who have nothing better to do than to sit by the lake waiting for a piece of garbage to turn up .. and once they got their piece of garbage they are more than sattisfied as they know that really there isnt all that much fish in the lake! ;P
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