Perfo -_-'

We need more journals about perfo please
NO edit : 1st
i agree
yes but not about hes cheating, because hes not imo. :/
Even if he didnt cheat he should be banned for using the "my brother did it" excuse
No. I doubt he was the one who used hacks.
he has 4 brothers, 2 of them play/ed et and one of them hacked on pub, its not perfos guid and u wanna ban him?
do you know perfo or does snoop? come on, get real pls. fucking nerd
so you want to ban perfo on an ASSUMPTION

sounds right...
I can live with that.
well unless proof is 100% sure and evident that it was perfo, they cant ban him so all these journals are for nothing
True, but I would love to see Perfo getting banned.
yup wie dumm kann man sein und seine brüder et mit hacks spielen lassen ?? aber gute ausrede
soll er hinter ihnen stehen wenn sie zocken, um aufzupassen, dass sie net cheaten?
du bist so ein dummer spast :) versuchst dich durch irgendwas aufzuspielen aber keine sorge, für die meisten bleibst du lächerlich
durch was den ? ich hacke nicht und menie brüder hacken auch nicht und mit soner laecherlichen ausrede kann ich gleich 2 eier essen gehen ban 4 him and GG
du bist einfach mal ein peinlicher noname und denkst du hast voll den durchblick was die highszene angeht

du kennst weder perfo oder einen anderen aus unserem team also hör bitte auf über uns zu schreiben oder einen von uns anzuschreiben ok? es ist einfach mal so dass sogut wie nur noobs schreiben von wegen ban weil JEDER gute spieler weiß dass perfo nicht cheated oder gecheated hat. Er war auf 2 lans und hat dort geowned also bitte erkläre mir wieso er cheaten sollte? und wenn hier rumgelabert wird: "gleiche rules für alle" dann MUSS der EC XIII replayed werden. wenn das net geschehen sollte können alle über dieses theme ihre dumme fresse halten.
wie snoop schon sagt: du bist lächerlich.
damn germans I thought there were new rules on crossfire
vaggi Age: 15 ( 23 June 1991 ) GG
I dont give a fuck, just ban him and quit these retarded journals
retard its just like i would say ban you...for nothing
nah... not rly :DDDDDDDDDDD
1 journal is enough,,,there has been like 5 journals about perfo now.....useless aint it?
wow and the amount of journals dont change the fact that he deserves a ban.
didnt say that either...
"like i would say ban you...for nothing "

for nothing.. ? u dont think that he deserves a ban dont u?
yes i think he doesnt deserve a ban! ever single human on this world can have his own opinion about everything
omfg u got absolutly no clue..

i said "change the fact that he deserves a ban"
u said "didnt say that either"

and now u think he dont deserve a ban? wtf do u want from me?
ffs nothing,,,u started to reply to my comment -.-
and i wont stop!
im a reply machine H3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3h3
eat that !
here i am once again!
well If they dont ban him everyone will start looking for strange stories with old pcs and brothers.

"h3h3 I didnt cheat, my bird just randomly flew on my mouse and jumped over the keyboard and when I returned from the shower I saw he downloaded something from netcoders and startet ET"
<+Mind`> the hole cheating thing is overrated
She's a high class fella
There's something 'bout her
that you don't understand
She got me dressed up and ready to go
She got everything under control
She got everything under control control control
I see her now she starts to undress
with a smile that you will never forget
Coming down with the classic connect
She was down now she's out for succes
beatsteaks own, even though the new album isn't their best really =/
tr00 :)
RaR <3
why do you even make one pfft
a player is only responsible for his own PC but they can't prove that he was using his own pc 'cause of the guids...

so all this talk is pointless since rules are clear that he CAN'T be banned...

eitherway I don't think he did it.. gl in handling this kind of attension perfo :P
seeing its shared and he also played ET on it in the past he will still be banned..
Perfo hax! I have always known it
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