nice busts, idd

i really start to hate this game, more and more good players are getting busted for public cheating, its like my favourite band stop playing just because the were driving car drunk.
and then there are the busters, some nerds like zodiac, which trying to bust everyone that is better than themselves.
on the otherside cb banned perfo within 2 days but other cheaters ( i rly dont mean keran and shy ) play at least 1 year after the bust, also perfo was going to quit et anyways, but they didnt let him play his last match whit his friends.

its really so fucking lame, like someone cares if somebody cheated with his ip ...
we all know these players are lanproofed, but atleast there are so many "non-lanplayers" which obviously hack but dont get busted at all.

i know my english sucks pretty much but iam just fuckin angry about the situation

i wish you pretty much luck keran, shy & perfo

Fanboi alarm
ban Switzerland arrow aka dANZERI too
Are you discusted because we bashed you ? :>
fu zodiac idd, 14 years old kid! bust yourself plz!
ur now the most hated player!
Nah, not quite yet.
maybe not yet, but soon u will be!
only need more attention whoring?

Everyone is like "omg omg ban those fucking cheaters they ruin the game" and when they finally get banned, you guys are still crying :s
no iam just crying that they bust players for public hacks which are lanproofed but the guys which playing ladder matches with their hacks dont get busted.
Premier Blair once said:

"Everyone keeps complaining that the England police department doesn't handle the terror and does nothing about it, and when we do handle it well and do something qabout it to try to avoid terror, we've done it wrong."
that's my prob :(
he admitted that it was him, but i'm not a pro cheatbuster .. help me plz!
sherlock award 2007 ;DDDD

(btw; je wil hem echt geband zien he, je zegt het zo goed als in elk journal/news dat over cheaten gaat :DD)
in system atm
oh man, i will fucking give you 10 beers at cpc :D
Quote by arClitwe all know these players are lanproofed, but atleast there are so many "non-lanplayers" which obviously hack but dont get busted at all.

So you are saying that we should treat people differently according to whether or not they have played at LAN? What a great idea!

This guy surely knows what he is talking about.
maybe the cool busters should take more care of not lanplayers, instead of busting proofed players.

and ye i know what iam talking about, nerd.
It's ok if you cheat online as much as you want and as obvious as you want, as long as you played on a LAN once?

"Hey, it's ok to be a murderer, as long as you are a doctor and saved at least one life."
they werent using the hacks in offical, and proofed they that it is their skill and not some external programms, and you cant compare it to murderer and doctor.

i think your post dont make any sense at all
True, because I've only rephrased what you said.
I've had it with flaming Zodiac.
Please, understand this. Me and Zodiac literally _STUMBLED_ upon evidence that someone from perfos IP have been cheating. At that point we didn't know anything more than that. Zodiac posted it on crossfire, and left it to the community to decide what to do. The interesting outcome of it is that the community decided to flame Zodiac for stating a fact the community didn't like.

Do you think either of us wanted perfo busted? No! I liked, and i still like perfo, and i'm j52s biggest fanboy, and i hope they win EC. But man, you can't expect us to shut up with such evidence no matter what.
i think you did the right thing.
the topic of the forum entry in the part "CHEATERS" was "PERFO BUSTED" so dont lie and try to hide you
No, it was "Perfo IP-match" until it got deleted by admins. Then it became perfo busted.
Always knew this emo thing doesn't do the youth any good!!

Please, along the road, not across the street. Thank you!!
i hates emos tbh, its kinda fun :)
Am I a nerd now?
Who is the biggest nerd, the one flaming the community and game, or the one trying to support it?
nobody thought that perfo cheated and now everybody scream "i said it", so dont think you did a favour to the community.
Zodiac didn't think this up. You cannot deny that someone @ perfo's house cheated (matching IP). If it really was him or one of his brothers like he says, doesn't matter, unless he can prove it.

Shy and keran knew what they did and if they are too dumb to avoid getting catched, it's their own fucking fault. It's not the fault of the guys who busted them -___-
ye i agree with keran and shy, but i think its retarded anyways.
everyone said he was just using it @ the zP server, so should care.
but instead of this everyone is complaing about they are hackers etc.
but players like junky or arrow dont get busted while playing with their hacks 24/7
I know how you feel, not everyone gets the same treatment and that is simply unfair.This is CB's fault. I think they banned perfo so fast because they got flamed for not banning shy and keran fast enough. But now after they banned perfo quickly, they still get flamed...
you are right man...i think the same.
It's normal that zodiac does his job to support the community but indeed, he shouldn't be after something to destroy the entire community and ban all the best players for example.

Keran and shy were clearly caught cheating, you're not even sure what happened at perfo's house and anyway, he's banned within 48 hours, and keran only after 3 weeks. Again I'm referring to my opinion on CB: Get your standards right
Since when was it Zodiacs fault that somebody cheated with perfos IP?
QuoteIt's normal that zodiac does his job to support the community but indeed, he shouldn't be after something to destroy the entire community and ban all the best players for example.

-> it's not his fault that someone cheated with his IP, but it doesn't mean it was perfo. Zodiac caught a cheater with perfo's IP, which consists of more than 1 PC, which doesnt really mean that perfo played with cheats. Maybe this is irrelevant because Zodiac only did his job, but maybe he should have thought about the consequences before he made the bust & a little rationally thinking wouldn't hurt anyone either because everyone knows that perfo didn't cheat...
Well, it was the first bust me and Zodiac ever made. We were unexperienced, but we have learned our lesson now. Next time (tbh i don't hope there will be any next time) we will contact the player in question prior to making in public. That way, the player in question get the chance to write his own busted-post, giving the player a fair chance to explain himself. If i had a time machine i would do that with perfo aswell, but done is done.
Research does everything... It's a little late now, but just make sure you guys don't make any of this mistakes again because it's really 'killing' the ET-community, if you look at all the comments versus the CB-admins. In real life this would have been riots or something...
I guess everyone knows that Perfo didn't cheat, so if you got the evidence, you should've talked to him about it and maybe you would've seen it wasn't necessairy to 'bust' him considering it wasn't him that cheated.
well, too bad, done is done =), anyways, certainly don't give up busting ppl, it's good for the community, but just take certain consequences in account (like these) to prevent things like this happening again.
i think i remember that mAus cheated long time ago, he even admitted it

i could be wrong

but if not

let's ban him
Yeah, let's ban all the busters! It's their fault that all our heros get banned ;)
Just ban whole ET -> cleared of hackers for sure.
ET = dead
There is definitely nothing wrong done by zodiac. And think about the consequences. Bring on a working c&a system instead of pure whine.
I don't get it. Nothing is wrong done by Zodiac indeed, he just did he's right thing, but cb is wrong. No clear evidence, and just because of perfo's brother doesnt have a CB account, so, lets ban perfo instead! Right... :/
maybe zodiac asked perfo instead of posting a forum topic in "cheaters" also the name "perfo busted".
it was a clear cb fault, true, but this little kid that wants attention by busting someone makes me sick.
everybody know that he never hacked in a offical or smth else, and many didnt expect that he even tried public hacks.
why do you think zodiac made a favour by busting perfo?
it was unnecessary like shit, and idd it was his fault making a topic "PERFO BUSTED" in "CHEATERS" because there arent any proofs.
Nobody should get busted who uses another pbguid and changed his etpro guid with one of these thousands tools around? It's unfair compared to the cases of keran and _shy, but CB made the right desicion at all.
Where is the proof that it was Perfo? It could be his brother, i dont say that ppl who cheat with different guids shouldnt be banned, but until its cleary prooven they shouldnt be bannd, like so many other players ..
Tell me some banned player who was cleary proven as cheater? Could be done by some virtual brothers or sisters, by his grandmap, his pets or get hacked?! So no bans at all? You need to draw some lines and you must require some own resposibility.
His Brother is also registed at crossfire, and had his own etpro guid, but the others players dont have brothers that are really playing ET.

and i meant so many cheating guys arent bannd, even if they clearly busted but cb is saying "demo isnt enough, bla bla"
Over 90 per cent of the banned players have brothers or sisters and grandmas and pets etc etc.

So if I register a fake account on crossfire, I can cheat all the time without being punished?

Edit to your edit: Bring them all on and we'll do as much as we can to ban them, if they are cheaters.
you register a fake acc some months before you try the hacks?
i would be 2 lazy for it to plan it over month.
This way you'll never be able to ban (real) cheaters.
Trust me arclite, we have learned our lesson now, but unfourtanly the hard way. And if you were there from the start, you would have noticed that the name of the topic was "Perfo IP-match". Considering the fact that people use "PERFO BUSTED"-topics to draw attention even just to say they are cless, i don't find it that bad.

But nevertheless, next time(hope there won't be a next time tbh) we will contact the player in question prior to making anything public.
Well I agree that ET is becoming a bit like cycling, more and more people get busted cheating. Still it's a very good thing of course, the more busts the better. I hope one day there will also be a list of faggots who actually bought cheats.
Further I wanna add that LAN proofed is overrated. Just because you played reasonable at a LAN doesn't mean you didn't cheat online. Playing without your online wallhack won't make you a horrible shot on a LAN for example.
Also the other way around, if you did bad at LAN doesn't have to mean you're an online cheater. LAN is hard, some people get nervous a lot and/or can't adapt to the setup.
totally agree, seriously.. I was going to typ the same thing about LANs being so hard :/
lans are easier with 1 ping!
I mean with nerves & people like watching you..
The background sound etc..
I can't know.. when I quitted ET 1.5 years ago, there weren't much lans & I never went to one & now.. everybody calls me a noname if I apply for a clan so.. no lans for me I guess =))

btw, great job trying to make our community cheatfree <3
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