buying new mouse

buying a new Maus since i'm gonna start ET again.
so yeye I don't want this journal overflowed with mx518 fanbois, since I am probably gonna buy a mx518. But maybe there's any reason not to buy it and get something else?

i'd just like your opinions on alternatives to mx518, with explanations please! I have already had an razer diamondback and the shape of it fitted my hand nicely, but it broke down a long time ago. anyways suggestions pls.
518 or da
best mouse for ET i think

image: NE347
MX518 all the way :)
Razer DA absolutely.
Explanation? It really dosn't seem like an attractive mouse for me.
It's the best mouse ever. Little expensive but really worth of all the money. Hardly ever skips (and never in ET though).
Better than 518? Hmm.. I never really paid attention to it or read about it, after reading a couple of reviews .. Well, deathadder seems awesome.. But I can't find DA in Estonia anywhere and it's a bit too expensive..
I first played with mx510, then I bought a razer copperhead just because I wanted to see what is the best mouse. I've played with both but I have to say that IMO copperhead is the best
i had a razer diamondback (plasma :P) before... after 1 year: broken cable --__--

buy a mx518 if u want quality and good performance for little money ;)
Dont start ET again, so retard community.
Me too to be honest, the old good times :)
yea, like there was no undetected public hax and everyone were more happy :p
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