power supply

Hey fellow crossfirerers xD,

I am in need of a new powersupply but i am not really experienced in installing hardware. So i am wondering if there are different types of powersupplies (for different types of cases?) or can i just get any regular powersupply?
I wanna install it myself, so is installing it an easy job?
Any suggestions regarding a brand or type are always welcome:)

Thanks in advance,
ohh nein :-<
enermax for 150 EUR
if u got a "normal" case, then all "normal" power supplies should be fine for u. Just get one with enough power (Watts, 400 or more if u got normal setup)
Installing it is kinda easy, just screw it on its place, but connecting the power cables is slightly harder... most of those cables don't fit to wrong places, but be sure that u connect all needed cables :P
Trickjeh is teh owner
dacht een nieuwe versie van ''supply'':D
kwas eerder an een supertijd op supply ofzo aant denke :)
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