Harry Potter VII

For those who already read it, what's your opinion about it.. would you have wanted it to be else?
I want it to be just like ET !
how ironical
LOLZ the last harry potter is out wtf?
it got leaked some weeks ago, check limewire
Harry Potter and the deadly hallows
it's 659 pages if you have read it, come back and post your opinion, k thxx
i hate reading books on pc, its gay
HP is worth it
i read books in my bed before i go to sleep :)
then when do you wank?
wanking is overrated...
hm a bit like you being underrated? :DD
underrated? : s why is that?
Can you upload it <3 ?
i pmmed you my email i thinks
rofl harry potter xD
Flying DJ reads them too and he's prooo =D
atleast he reads books unlike some ppl
Aah I come to see the connection between the books and you
i do actually read atleast 30 pages before i go to sleep :)
Books are boring, reading them doesn't make you (seem) intelligent
i dont find books boring (if they have a story..), and yes some do increase your iq tbh...
still depends on who is readying them
intelligence <> IQ
where do i get it? :O
Nowhere, it's a fake.

There is no way the book got leaked before it got in the stores. Why? Because it's one of the most anticipated books ever. And books like that don't get leaked weeks and weeks before they come out.

I hate to tell you, but what you've read is most likely fan fiction. Books written by fans out of adoration.
the sixth also got leaked and when i read it a half year later in dutch it was exactly the same...

and the language is far too good

Do you want me to look up even more pages on the first page of google to deny you have the real deal? Please, if you want to be so stupid to believe it's real, do so. But don't go saying around you have the real book cos you have not.
don't be so aggresive mr. fanboi
you'll probaby right according to that sources
the book still kept me on the edge on my seet though
Sorry, I didn't want to be offensive or something. It's just that I don't understand why people think they can get the real book weeks/months before it's real date. Last year in Canada there was a shopowner who by accident sold the 6th book 1 month too soon and what did Rowling? She sued the buyers and the shopowner and all of them had to give the books back and none of them could read it before it was published.
Rowling and the publisher really aren't going to screw up for this book m8, just wait till 21 july.
dutch translation will probably take 6 months more =(
hope to catch the english version earlier though
Btw, i just read "when i read it a half year later in dutch it was exactly the same..."

Pretty normal as the dutch version came out 6 months later than the english version ;-p
So you read the english book at the net.
ever thought the more anticipated it is, the more these "groups" try to get it?

e.g. vista, how fast was that out ?
movies ? anticipated movies get out waaaay faster before normal "new" movies

etc etc
Movies aren't like books, ok. Books have to be printed somewhere and if you for one second think that there is an employee from Bloomsberry (or whatever the name from the publisher is) that has the possibility to steal one copy, you are sadly mistaken.
the internet is not only for porn
" The source clamied it was as if they'd been frightened to death..."
If I'm not mistaken, Rowling has been saying for years the last word would be "Scar".
Just do a little research on the net and you'll find easily countless sources denying that it's a fan fiction, and with more conviction than this guy who says it's the real thing.
hm It still was very exciting to read anyway
we'll see later
i always buy the book in dutch anywayz
its fake, anyone who read the first six knows this by reading any of the pages.
Takes like 3-4 sentences until you notice its not even similar to Rowlings work.
LOL! cant believe someone believed it was real. How old is it now btw? A month?
Gods Child reads HP?
Fantastic books.
When does the real one come out then?
the guy who wrote this fake book should become a writer and write his own books :D he's not that bad
Yeah, there are some "talented" writers in thos fanfiction writers. The problem is to find a publisher ofcourse =]

And it remains to be seen if he can be original and good if he writes a new story. Cos now he didn't had it that difficult ofcourse.
Are you telling me you've read a 'book' of 659 pages on the internet, while there is a high possibility it's fake? Wow. How to waste your time, lesson 1.
Lol comon, who the fuck would do a 659 page fake book? + You can probably see after few pages whether it's fake or not.
There are a lot of nutcases in this world willing to write fake books. I remember a friend of my, a couple of years ago, read the 'real script of the Matrix sequels'. It turned out to be completely fake when Matrix Reloaded was released. And like Rhand said: Harry Potter VII is the most anticipated book in the world at this moment. I highly doubt that the complete content got leaked at the internet.
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