Jews "the story of legends"

wtf ppl in here have against jews? :<

first we are israeli's and only then we are jews :(

btw im very rich lol :~>

and we got nukes so stfu !
sheket yehudon
noob1: im gonna kill ***** jews and 1 clown
noob2: why the clown?
noob1: see, nobody cares about the jews
it's just an old joke blame the germans
stfu fucking jew
jew is the short term for lagger

3letters > 6letters
Quoteand we got american taxpayer's nukes so stfu !

nono we have nukes lol !!! :~>
and funny looking noses :~)
im very s3xy :~<
:~( ya but your noses are like the funniest things i've ever seen :-)
Uh... what?

Maybe you should invest some of your 'fortune' into getting education.
i dont like them cause they steal money and eat children :P
Waar komen Joden toch vandaan?
Israel hier ver vandaan!
Wonen daar ook superjoden?
Ja daar wonen superjoden!
Vinden Joden voetbal fijn?
Als ze maar voor Ajax zijn!
well if u ask me jews ruining hungary atm... our government: jew post communists ...its all i have against jews
you lag thats all!
WTF too much natzis in here :(
it's nazi you stupid jew lagger
na"t"zis "ok"
its summer...but its one year ago :o)
thats my first journal :DDD

btw you saw drago journal? ^_^
i fucking want to write there
"he is hiding under the water pump" :~>
but im 100% sure i will be banned :~<
lol...the man cant have some peace,some e-buddy starts where is he,he hasnt been online...pls :D
yea omg haha :D
in the worst case (no one know where he is+not at home for 10 days) well i dont want to be the guy who deliver the bad news but he is ****
Parent u really think hes missing from home
What...that guy called his home:Hay,my name is...,im an ebuddy of ur son,can i speak with him?
No,u cant,hes not home now

After 9 days...

Same situation...

Conclusion...he wasnt home for 9 days

Maybe he dont want to talk with him
haha well we dont know, they already mention there that the family gonna report to the polics that he is missin
Secret conversation busted
Parent want a secret conversation? :D
you are hated because if you win its just because lag.. you should have seen when ins and esr were playing in ec (2nd & 4th) they got flamed so much!
painu vituunn vitun peelo ja syo minun paskaa
think how israeli player should owned players from europe if we didnt have 200+ ping :~<
I'm german, I'd never do you any harm or would hurt your feelings.
It's not funny anymore.

A few laggerjew flames in war are ok, but as soon as it sounds like nazi proaganda the fun is over.

Some (lol, "some") guys in here are retarded.
you must be a jew

okok I stop now (:
Some (lol, "some") guys in here are retarded.

No shit, I always thought all crossfire users are mature and well educated.
think how we feel when ppl says "die jews" :<

our little jew heart is broken :'(
stop whining you fag.
germans are called nazi all day and I dont think they'll stop, not even in 20 years
true, the dutch invented the slave trade, i tihnk it's about time we flamed them for the past too, we can solve the english later on
Norwegians were vikings who pillaged towns and raped women in england. Let me hear it!
never heard someone being insulted as a viking :P

I wouldnt consider 'viking' as something negative
Maybe, but they werent nice people, I think we can agree on that :P
I agree, The ping sux..
But people shouldn't shout: "die jews, fucking jews, HITLER!, Judeocide!, ..."

Just don't react, they'll stop when you don't give them attention ;)
interesting journal, i am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
very sad, our black (!!) teacher made jew jokes during the lesson
iran got nukes too.
I have a problem with every religion, not just Judaism.
I'm a selfmade man who worships only his creator.

That's it, no Judaims, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Marksism, Leninism, Shintoism. No nothing.
i love jews<3<3<3<3<3<3
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