Evening lads,
Could you please share you opinions about clan called "chicken with guns" with me?
I think the player - ROSA in this team used wallhack in offi agains us (played 31 May).
I wouldn't write this and got over it if that would be only one official win by this way, because I don't have any clear evidence yet. Let me just tell you what happened in that clanwar, and I hope you have something to say too.

Normally, whenever I connect to server, my autorecord works. On their server it didn't, how idiotic I were when I didnt checked by my self - my fault, no demos.

The players were incredibly lagy thought they had stable pings 48.

Player called rosa made all his way up from docs to the spawn - to kill me camping at the corner near radio (short way), and that was when he got like +- 32 seconds to spawn (played at beach)

Then when we were playing supply, they all rushed through tunnel, killed my both mates and suddenly, it was rosa who came all his way up and killed me leaning behind the wall up. Other players didnt even look that way. And I couldn't be seen without...
Btw I am so sure because he was tracking me before "seeing" me.

As I said before, without evidence I am not going to win it, but I hope you have something to say too and help me, because I don't believe theese players are clean, they are were suspicious to me.

Btw you can check my profile to see some non-busted cheaters(there is 1% possibility that Marv doesn't hack)

Good night and sleep tight
busted actually (.avi)
if it was a cb match, pm admin for demo's if they are not willing to give them or they didnt record its forfeit for you
But I hope someone has an evidence, thats all reason of making this journal
redcross, is that you? dsky has opened up another et squad...
CwG already has some busted players, unexpected.
If does, I would like to see this clan's offies being lost automaticaly :)
Welcome to ET!
CwG already has some busted players, unexpected.
hi OVERLOAd.rednosS
So what is your ban for?
no hax, just Sweden rosa from #mori :o
marvs IP is clean (i've checked :D)
he's pretty oldschool..
its rosa ffs! plingarN!
haha du skjuter ju sönder mig alla dagar i veckan
turnrosa is kinda oldschool player... I remember playing against him already back in memento mori times...

I can't say anything for sure (without having ever specced him), but I would be kinda surprised if he used hax :P
Cwg is low like shit xD they could have the best nexus hack and would get owned on gmc todeszone
Maybe his mates that is getting busted for nexus every now and then is the one to blame, I don't think rosa would use a cheat.
lold @ circus @ humanized bot
Circus from xOVER? aka trick?
ye , have a look @ REDNOSS profile , he want to bust him ...

personnally , i played with circus in the same team, he has a very good aim , but i don't think he cheats
Well lets see, you already know my opinion about him : - )
coz i saw your profile
Rofl at his profile, lots of those are LAN proofed and they played very good at LAN so the possibility of cheats online would be low..
hes netcoders admin moron
nice story btw
turnrosa is a nice guy and good player, I'd be surprised if he hacks too
All other CwG have free hacks, rosa has private so you can't bust him ^^
Ofcourse :] btw called retard from idiot who is supporting cheater isn't very harmfull
A reply from cheater who cant win with cheats so he decides to bust people he hates isnt very harmfull aswell :(
Aaaaa I will add this quote to my profile, haven't been conviced for cheating by this level yet.
Btw why are you saying bust, that sounds like you already knew...
Aaaaaa mmmmmm I dont know! Im an idiot, remember?! If you played in dev.tail and you are the same guy we once played in 3on3 then you are a hacker, im sorry ;(
And I feel sorry to make new enemies like you, without support its not that easy to make changes in peoples thinking about the whole ET. Have fun supporting Marv, If I am wrong that he cheats, I am going to end with playing forever
Btw I am idiot too, still I think you should re-think what you are writing
Im not supporting anyone, it's just hilarious that these atempts to bust some come from somebody like you :(
And which attemps do you mean?
This topic is made because I want to get evidence agains CwG because I am almost sure they hack - I wrote my oppinions to share them with others.
As you can see, I only have it written in my profile(according that you meant Marv's case) Taken it seriously and actually trying to bust someone, I would have written a journal about that, with evidence and all kind off stuff.
I am sorry but I have to take this post as faint, you seem to get it all wrong
QuotePlayer called rosa made all his way up from docs to the spawn - to kill me camping at the corner near radio (short way), and that was when he got like +- 32 seconds to spawn (played at beach)

Then when we were playing supply, they all rushed through tunnel, killed my both mates and suddenly, it was rosa who came all his way up and killed me leaning behind the wall up. Other players didnt even look that way. And I couldn't be seen without...
Btw I am so sure because he was tracking me before "seeing" me.

I can't stop laughing, if this is what gets you suspcious then you should have half of the community in your profile...

Quote by AzatejTake my advice, don't bother looking for highskilled matches anymore. Obviously you can't take being beaten, seeing as you're accusing people of which I know for sure don't cheat.
I didnt write this, so dont make it look so, coward
Hence why it says "Quote: Azatej".
Quote by rednossCheating : Used r_shownormals once agains Sheem on server where it was allowed. My percentage of winning duels agains him was the same because he was using it too :<

that was sarcastic ...
Then you got me
Non- busted cheaters -

Is that wrong?
he's already busted & banned
thanks, I am going to edit that
my quote on your profile is fake, there's no fucking way that i talked like that because when i flame i just throw out random insults

oh and, 'Kevin- netlimiter - using in pracs and offis' , pls lol
my god you're retarded, just face thet fact that there are people on the allmighty inetz who play a stupid computergame better than you do
orly, seems that you know alot about me, start with school plz.
Btw you are starting to pissing me off, knowing that you hack and saying you dont, come on idiot, confess it and go sleep, seems that its only thing you can do well
gotta love kiddo's :( go annoy some other people with random accusations pls , cu@lan as mesq would say
This is actually not random accusation, many pople think it and many have said it, I doubt how many to you in private, but I have heard many complains to you, going from high levels ( to not let you call them rightfully "random")
According you calling me kiddo it seems that you are lack of arguments, acting childish by your own.
And yes, I hope I will see you at lan, sometimes ;)
Kevin<3, i was laughin @ ur quote on his profile, he a fkin fag. go jump infront of a bus rednoss u tit
I will do that probably only failing to push you there
How do you know he was tracking you through walls (you can only see so much with leaning). selfbust, imo! :XD

also your profile makes me cry, you fucking retard.
because he was aiming my way when I was behind that wall "retard"
I wonder what are you going to reply
aiming your way != tracking through walls
Rosa is an experienced player, without you handing out any demo/movie, I would bet that rosa just had an eye on obvious camping/leaning positions.
haha BUSTED!
1. Dont accuse everyone thats better than you
2. Make demo, then draw your cheating conclusions
3. Learn to lean
4. Your profile cheatsuspicions sux
reply to 4., I didnt pay attention to others, because they are meaningless, according to what I wrote already.: Well if they didn't, I would write a journal, bet on that ;]
That doesnt change the fact that they sux...
eh :-/ what did I just write?
They are true, but without serious proofs, so make your own opinion..
They are true, but without serious proofs

This statement shows that me nor xfire should take you serious :/
You seem to be very slow at thinking.
I wrote once already that because I don't have serious proofs, my suspections are in journal only.
After all, you seem to be not taken seriously, but at this time, lets overlook it, you may be tired :]
U seem to be a non-thinking moron to suspect players that own you in a offie, and u cant handle it
Well if I would do that , I would also suspect others that won agains us, and tell me 0v13, am I doing this?
You just confirmed that you are slow-minded, thanks for that
And the moron thing.. lack of arguments I guess?
I was refering to the cwg case where u got no demos because u "forgot" to /record
"kicked by old clan sublime from server - Hype, Nils ... for having acc 51 in end of round"

I swear I raped you the other day in a 3on3 and you disconnected after the first map ..? If you are "R0SS" that is..
you did?
I would know that...
Are you R0SS, if so i'd upload the demo/screenshot if u like
R0SS is ross, you can search him here on xfire to prove that, if you want..
then I don't remember playing any Redn0ss
is he R0SS, lol ur an even bigger retard then i thought, well done, didnt think it could be achieved
No achievements found.
wow i havnt achieved much in et, maybe i should start to cry or something seeing as its a free game. gl at eurocup mate.
owow, was that one of those "hey, i'm shit at et so i'll just pretend i don't care and have a rl" ones>? k
coming from a guy that constantly posts stuff about playing eurocup and stuff, have u played in eurocup yet? No im not the greatest player in et and never stated i was, i play it for fun, if i played to achieve stuff i would play a game with a big financial background such as cod2 etc. Plus did u ever think that maybe i have achieved some stuff but im not an e-egoist that needs to put them in his profile to feel good, as stated above gl in eurocup highskiller.
I would bet my life Sweden rosa don't hack. Stop throwing useless accusations around you without anything to back it up with apart from your own paranoia.
If this accustation was uselles, people wouldn't write that I may be true, gg.
And the reason I don't have anything to "back it up" is the one why I started this journal :D.
You aren't a smart one, are you ;)
He is so much smarter than you, that you would cry thinking about it.
But everyone is saying he's some known player, everyone knows CwG is full of nubstains and unknowns >?
Well don't say that to me..
he's an oldschooler from Sweden memento mori
true ROSSA is a cheater we played offi vs. them also, and he had obv hack .
First i have to say HAHAHA this made my day

All our matchs on ETTV will be in replay here

Just accept that he is skilled

by Rifleman / JIRKA (jmj), submitted on 3 Jun 19:55:

"Ok, we have got demos from this match for sure. When you use some wolfcam or something like that, you will see, that they have wallhack In small time we will create a page with demos.
Ask them for their demos too and pm me or , nick : Rifleman"
Claim: "Cancel match"

Nice of you to lie to cb admin .You told him u had demo from this match, but here you say that you dont have demo.

"No proofs, no case."

by doneX, June 7th 2007
retard, this journal is not about the demos, it is for getting proofs agains you, dont bother me with what other have said.
And if you will be able to explain those things he did I will do what you say and accept that hes skilled...
Omg, stop beeing retard.
rosa dont hax, rest of CwG maybe does, but rosa dont, so stfu.
OMG grov up i have allready said you can see replays of him on our ETTV server
Save your drama for your lama!
Nice busting the only skilled player of CwG!
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