gg to those busted

-.-' et sucks on 24620 bans only 13704 are from Enemy Territory :/
grats to those who are killing this game thx

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Why are you killing this game, the game I held in my arms when I was born!
not more? boring -.-
24623/19(games on that page)=1295.95

bans from et: 13705

i dont get your problem

oh and btw plz compare the size of the communitys with the amount of bans
et is death :-(
Well we are pretty huge community...
OH NOES, there were more ETplayers banned than America's Army players! APOCALYPSE!
Pls, ET just has the most players out of those games, only natural then.
It's not important that ET has more busted players than AA but way more than accounts in CF :|
Heh, you actually think every cheater is on CF? There's more "community" sites out there than CF..., PLUS there's lots of ppl just going on random etmain pubs with cheats

Do you think that I think that every guy in CF cheats?

And yes there are lot's of random players who cheats but still.. think yourself man.
Wow... Now I'm not really following anymore. You said that there were more cheaters than CF accounts. So I reply saying that not every CF user is a cheater, and that there are more sites than just CF. And then you say what? :S
I just notified that although there are many more community sites and many of those busts are etpub etc, but it is still sad.
Aah, now that's more clear, I didn't get what you were saying ;-)
It is sad, I didn't say it was good or smth, but you still have to compare the number of ETplayers to the number of ppl playing those other games.
there are another 10,000+ bans on (some of those are also on PBbans)

just shows how popular this game is!
30° outside, bibuy.
btw pls dont give them any more attention, enough for last week
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