Adam Sandler @ ownage : D
This is a clip from a movie called : The Longest Yard .
The little policeman gets so owned by A. Sandler that I still can't stop laughing :D, he makes more jokes about him, but unfortunately that clip aint that big. :(


EDIT: also a great song, gotta love the part with girls :)
i got the fries to cross your eyes
i got the shakes to make you quake
i got the burgers to..........i just got burgers
u should see this whole episode, Sandler will make more Jokes about this guy
Quotehe makes more jokes about him, but unfortunately that clip aint that big. :(
I know, I have watched this movie for about three times. As I mentioned, unfortunately I couldn't find a bigger clip of that episode. Enyway, the whole movie is funny, the most funniest I have seen. I recommend that movie to evryone!
so ...
I'm waiting for his new movie with Kevin James. :-)
rofl @ kraken :P
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