whos the man?

image: norris
a norris in your face


arnie @ playin airplane
image: 4d19221e9a90812772e3a1075397dce0
There is only one person that can count to infinity... twice!
chuck norris once won a staring contest with the sun
wrong! +36703468864
ah ye,i read it bad
arnold blacknigger
There is only one person that can count to infinity... twice!
Chuck norris' intelligence is represented by a sideways 8
arni 4tw
gotta love thos chuck norris quotes :D
if chuck norris falls into the water, chuck norris doesnt get wet, the water gets chuck norris

Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.
chuck would beat the crap out of arni
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