Starting to play Warsow.

I'd really love to start playing wSw, but I have completely no idea what do I need to do it.

Could you give me some advises, which files should I download to be able to play on every server?

Thanks in advance.
fuck you retard my mom just came in
Greet her ;)
What's her name?
if that pic is real:)
cze :DD sciagnij tylko to i juz masz wszystko nie trzeba zadnych patchy etc
Gdzie cie moge na ircu znalezc? Sprawe mam.
rebuz @ qnet
hey hybrid, how are you?
Cool man, chilling just like in the old times ;)

And you?
wanking, duh
ask noorgrin
( TGS Radio ) || Live with DJ Insecure! All the newest Dance music, enjoy! || #TGS ( TGS Radio )

Are there any ictf tournaments would love to play some
Just download the game and connect -> warsow is a standalone game (not a mod!) and its already aimed at the competition side of things, so everything you need to play competitively is already included. When you've got the game I'd advise playing on some of the CA publics, maybe [1GBIT]. This mode is around based and gives you a lot of chance to improve your movement and aim. Although its by no means a way to improve your dueling/tdm skill, its the most fun gamemode to play as a beginner imo \o/

WarchooOOoooO !!§§!!
go on the server browser, filter to 'ca' and [1GBIT] 32 slot serv will come up, think it just emptied now though :o
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