XP Multiple Desktops

Well, I was just reorganising my desktop ( http://meez.mywhores.net/screenshots/desktop.png ), and I was looking for a way to disable shortcut arrows, which I did, but whilst there I stumbled upon a bunch of MS tools I never knew existed o.O

Upgraded Alt-Tab (now has preview window) image: alt-tab

Multiple Desktops (after install you have to right click on taskbar -> toolbars)
image: spaces-thumb
image: spaces

You can get them here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx
when i was 15 i had better things to do than multiple desktops
you werent that no-life at this age
I always find new ways to procrastinate when I should be revising for GCSEs.
nice stealing our name!
Not really.

Firefly Season 1 aired in 2002, before ET was even developed. I think you stole their name, and then didn't have a single Firefly/Serenity reference or jokes within your team! It's disgusting!

why me to create a banner? :\
1st from vista 2nd linux
new \o
Once used both. But I had big problems with the second. Firefox just doesn't like it.
linux fake
yey, another thing copied from linux (actuall, it's older than linux, but it first appeared for unix, so it's the same thing)
can m$ do anything else than just copy ? :(
Workstation is a useful feature that should be in every OS. There isn't really many different ways to go about it to be original.

Apple have the exact same feature planned for leopard, it just looks better.

True... but it's interesing to note that the idea of Virtual Desktops first appeared for X-Windows in 1989, and now, in 2007, it still is something that in Windows is included only by add-ons, and Apple are planning to introduce it in the next version.


As about Alt-Tab, i'll give you that, M$ invented it ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-Tab ), but for sure there are other earlier add-ons or linux equivs that do the preview-ing xD
Really useless even on linux
You should spend more time on finding a good wallpaper and less time on this!
Serenity was pretty good movie.
and what's the advantage of this?
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